League Rundown - Episode 512: “Something something gap, something something closing. AKA, we ain’t like them”

Episode 512 May 15, 2024 01:26:28
League Rundown - Episode 512: “Something something gap, something something closing. AKA, we ain’t like them”
League Rundown - A League of Legends Esports Podcast
League Rundown - Episode 512: “Something something gap, something something closing. AKA, we ain’t like them”

May 15 2024 | 01:26:28


Hosted By

Kangas Jigglyduff

Show Notes

Welcome to the League Rundown! This episode is the MSI Main stage Round 1 and 2 review, and round 3 through finals preview.

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Episode Transcript

[00:01:10] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to the league rundown episode 512 MSI main stage. Round one and two review and round three through finals preview. This episode is lovingly entitled something something gap, something something closing. Aka we ain't like them. I am your host for today's episode. I'm Kangas. And if everybody could go give the main host for the rundown for at least one more episode. Duffy, a warm happy birthday. He will not be joining us today, but we do have some amazing guests with us today. [00:01:42] Speaker B: The ever present Jack Zoman, twitch tv Jackson. [00:01:47] Speaker A: Shout out to the twitch stream. And we also have joining us a surprise visit. We found a new trash bin. We got rid of the old one. We switched recycling. But now we're back to the trash cause we got Badger joining us. [00:02:00] Speaker C: I feel flattered. I feel like I should have been introduced as a guest at this point, just given how long it's been since I've been here. But hey, you know, fresh out of the can, it's been. I've been in the can for way too long at this point. Something like that. Not like us. Euphoria, Drake, Kendrick Lamar beef, all that stuff. [00:02:18] Speaker A: We actually had you deep undercover for the Kendrick Drake beef. [00:02:23] Speaker C: I was the one that was leaking. I was the mole. And I was the mole in Drake's camp. That's exactly why I was going for something. [00:02:29] Speaker A: I don't know if you want to admit to that, but we're happy to have you back regardless. With MSI scheduling, your work schedule is crazy. So you haven't been able to be on the a lot of the podcasts lately, but we're recording on a Sunday this week. So happy to have you back on Badger. And we also have joining us, Mister Mazelle Plazell. [00:02:50] Speaker D: Hello. I like it. I like it. I had to. I was gonna like, say something along, like from his room. It's Kangas. I don't remember. Whatever. Duffy's normal intro is for you. [00:03:02] Speaker C: Live from his own bedroom. [00:03:04] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I think it's live from his own bedroom. He came up with that bit when I was working at pro guides and he used to say, live from the pro guides studio. [00:03:11] Speaker D: But then I did call in, but, you know, it's nice to be here. It's nice to talk about LPL's domination. And I'm excited to preach the good word semi domination. [00:03:22] Speaker A: They did lose one of their series, but they still looked pretty good in that one too. But we'll talk about all of that in a bit. First up, some news. Riot news. MSI main stage will continue Tuesday, May 14, at 02:00 a.m. So we have a one day break between eight best of five series that happened last week. And then I have not done the math, but somewhere like six to eight series that are coming up this next week, I think it's six. [00:03:45] Speaker C: It's six. [00:03:46] Speaker A: It is six. Perfect. It's a lot of best of fives for a two week period. Kind of a crazy schedule. So we're just going to be able to fit this episode in right between. Hopefully you can listen to it before the next stage begins. But speaking of beginning lcs, we do have news that they will begin June 15. I guess there was a date given and not a lot of information beyond that, including how to get tickets and most importantly, where a finals venue would be, if it even is a roadshow. They are radio silent on that. We did not have a roadshow for spring. And that has brought up some concerns from the community I've been seeing around online of, like, well, they're kind of being cagey. We don't know what's happening in summer, so we're waiting for information there as well as confirmation on best of threes. I am pretty confident the best of threes are happening for lcs, but there has been no official riot announcement and statement saying definitively, yes, this is happening. So it was weird. Badger. I know we were talking about it a little bit before, but, like, they, they have, like, a quasi announcement, not a full announcement. Where are you on this? Just like a teaser for summer. [00:04:52] Speaker C: They've, they've talked. I've seen Travis and Cubby talk about it on hotline League with Mark Z. So, like, if the commissioner is talking about, hmm, lcs best of threes, that's a possibility that could be happening. And I mean, if you. If, if, like, rumors are true and stuff like that, like, teams are already preparing and shit for best of three. So, like, who knows at this point that, like, well, we've heard a rumor that it's like, okay, all right. Like, can you just tell us, like, can you just tell us where roadshow is going to be if there's a road show, if they're playing best of threes, if we're going to fearless draft? If, if. Oh, also, since I didn't talk about it, Thanatos walks into the west as the best top laner in the west, so. [00:05:38] Speaker A: Okay. [00:05:39] Speaker C: All right, cool. I wasn't on that episode, so. Great. I got that talking point across. [00:05:43] Speaker A: That's just self high five, by the way, derailing his own point. But yeah, I think I want I'm just going to say it. It's confirmed. Best of threes. Teams are preparing for it. Teams are talking about it internally as if it has been confirmed so that expect to happen. The thing this is a tinfoil hat conspiracy that I'm going to float by everybody. Let me know if you think this is correct or not. [00:06:07] Speaker C: I like to get tinfoil hack us. [00:06:08] Speaker A: Getting a summer roadshow is dependent on how well we do at MSI because riot's going to be like, nah, LCS sucks. They bombed out of MSI. We don't give them a roadshow. But if we do well, then we get like Madison Square Garden or something crazy, right? [00:06:21] Speaker C: What if we ask you what would be considered doing well? Because that would relax beating fanatics. [00:06:27] Speaker A: We did it. We did it. [00:06:29] Speaker B: That's what I was gonna say is by that metric I would say they've already succeeded. [00:06:33] Speaker C: You. [00:06:36] Speaker D: Go, it's just spoilers. [00:06:38] Speaker B: One a best of five. [00:06:40] Speaker A: Honestly, it was looking maybe not likely. So it does feel good. At least pick up one of those. If you're an LCS fan, you fans have their own reasons to celebrate. Those we'll get into later. But that's LCS news outside of rosters, which we did have a little bit of information on as well. Dignitas announced that licorice is joining the roster and it's rumored that Zven will be joining in the bot lane. So suddenly that roster is looking pretty good. It's rough for I think specifically Tomo, who I think had a decent split and I would still love to see have opportunities going forward, but Mazelle, Jax, what do we think about the Dignitas raster moves? Because I've seen some wild takes online saying now they're a world's contending representative for Na. Like this immediately puts them into the top conversation for the regional. Stuff like that. [00:07:29] Speaker B: Nah, I'm just waiting that. But they're still just they're managed by Dignitas. They're not a world's contender. Dignitas has not been a world's contender in its current incarnation of the organization, ever. [00:07:45] Speaker A: I do wonder what a voice like Zven does for that roster, though, because that's something that they were desperately missing, was a veteran leader on the team. I don't think that they really had that with the last roster and I think a player like Xu could really benefit from that. So I'm hopeful, especially if this event does join, that they can do much better than they did. But the league's more competitive than it ever has been with only eight teams. The average skill of each team definitely went up because of that. Also, some sad news. Someday has announced his retirement from pro play. Based on the wording, it was mostly a retirement from playing in lcs or seeking lcs team opportunities. Who knows that the future holds. Maybe he would get other opportunities in other regions that he would consider. But basically he was saying he wasn't getting offers for NA, and so he's stepping away from that. You can go check out his tweet announcing that. I got a little emotional reading it because some days, one of the top laners that kind of came to NA when I was really paying the most attention to lcs, when I was, like, first getting into the scene. Cause I started watching heavily in 2016, and then 2017 is when someday made it over. So for me, he's been, like, around as long as I've been a fan, basically. So it's kind of hard to see players like that go away, but, yeah, wishing the best to someday going forward. [00:09:08] Speaker C: I remember watching him on KT Bullets. Oh, yeah, KT Bullets. Cause back when sister teams were a thing and they could just name themselves whatever the fuck they felt like, the arrows and the bullets. [00:09:24] Speaker A: Well, I mean, we were just talking about flame. You had the flame jersey from immortal for the Patreon episode. Yeah. So flame and someday both came over at the same split, I believe. Right. Wasn't that both spring, 2020 or 2017? [00:09:38] Speaker C: I think it was. [00:09:40] Speaker A: I thought flame to Immortals. I think someday. Was it dignitas to start? [00:09:45] Speaker C: Yeah. Cause everyone's like, why would someday go to dignitas out of all teams? But then he ended up with 100 thieves, and he did pretty much all right over there. [00:09:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. He had a good career here in na, so, yeah, like I said, wishing him the best. Speaking of the best, if you want to have the best time of your life with people who have the same passion and interests as you do, jax, where can they go? Hang out with other like minded individuals. [00:10:15] Speaker B: Come join our community discord. [00:10:18] Speaker A: And what can they do there? If they join the community discord? [00:10:22] Speaker B: Play games with people. Do pick EmS fantasy lcs. When that's back, join for a watch party on Tuesday. We're gonna watch the g two series vods, obviously, because I'm not staying up at 02:00 a.m. My time on a day that I work at 07:00 a.m. But we will have a VOD watch party Tuesday night of the morning's games. [00:10:47] Speaker D: Oh, nice. [00:10:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Awesome. To have that. Thanks for doing those jacks. If you want somebody to watch games with, especially if you weren't able to cash them or like I said, just other like minded folks and fans to watch the games with. I always find it's way more fun to watch league games with other people rather than alone, so great place to do that. And I mentioned it earlier, but a second shout out to the Patreon supporters, y'all rock. You're the reason that we were able to have good audio for all of our shows and keep our audio editor happy and at least somewhat fed. I send him sandwiches every now and then when I need him to do extra work for me. That is always my fault. So shout out to Ian and all the tromboners out there that are fans of him as well. But with that being said, it's time to get into Msi main stage. We had eight best of fives happen last week. That's a lot of content, a lot of games to get through. So we're actually going to do things a little bit different. We're going to cover how we're going to talk about the games right now, and then we're actually going to talk about them. We're going to start off by eulogizing the teams that are no longer here, and then we're going to shift to the teams that are still here and the series that were the most important and that you have to watch if you got the time or if you don't have time to watch every single one. Because let's be honest, not a lot of us have time to watch all of those games. And then we're going to have a little bit of fun at the end with a little game for kind of expectations for the teams remaining going forward. So we're going to do it differently just because there's too many games to break down each one. But starting off with the teams that did not make it actually first. Before that, let's just go through the schedule real quick. We had in round one, gen g fnatic, tl top esports g two, t one, blg, psg and the losers of those first rounds, fnatic then matchup against team liquid and psg matched up against g two. So there's the schedule for you and spoilers. Fnatic. Team Liquid was a three one win for Team liquid, meaning fnatic is no longer with us. Na got a best of five series win against Eu. You jax? I know that this is something that I kind of predicted TL would actually win their first round. So we won't get this matchup. But once we saw it, it was like, this is kind of a must win for na because if we don't pick up a series win, that is disastrous for our region. But also, it's rough for fnatic that we're looking really good coming into the tournament, especially after the play in stage. [00:13:11] Speaker B: Yeah, it's fnatic lost to themselves, honestly. Like, this is not one of our series to watch. [00:13:22] Speaker A: Nope. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Which is disappointing, because just based on the matchup, it should have been. This should have been the, like, na eu. This is the only best of five rivalry we're gonna get. Let's. Let's hype it up. But it really felt like fnatic just got in their own heads and flubbed hard, unforced errors. [00:13:46] Speaker A: I think in particular, jungle felt like throughout both series. Cause they also got swept by gen G in the upper bracket. Okay. Jungle was a little behind a lot of the plays. [00:13:59] Speaker B: They looked so much better in their zero three showing against Gen G than they did in their one three against team liquid. [00:14:08] Speaker A: They showed a lot of signs of life and signs of promise in the Gen G series. Cause, yes, if you just look at the paper, 30, it seemed like it was a stomp. But you're right that they were making gen g work for it. And there were moments in those games where it felt like fnatic actually had a hold. [00:14:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And for whatever reason, I don't know if it was just apa getting in his head or what, but, like, humanoid in particular, just looked lost versus team liquid. So, like, I think the key here is fnatic does well when there's no expectations, when everyone's like, yeah, they're gonna get stomped. They look better than you think they would. They go against Team Liquid. And Europe fans, at least, are like, it's fucking team liquid. You're fanatic. You're gonna kick their ass. So they get in their own heads and they lose. Like, humanoids way looked awful. Like, genuinely bad. And that's weird. [00:15:07] Speaker A: Jun was playing a lot of squishy picks, and unfortunately, despite having a couple of good plays as well, was getting caught out more often than maybe expected from him as a player. [00:15:18] Speaker B: He was just in straight up the wrong place several times. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Yeah. And team Liquid was heavily capitalizing on that with things like ashe arrows, even varus arrows, Lee sins Ejwani. Like, each game, basically, they just had stuff that could punish a squishy support being out of position. And also Oscar Renin. I just don't think had a great showing in the one v one either. The prevalence of lane swaps. I don't think Team Liquid's great at it. And we can talk about that more once we get into how they've been looking. But it didn't seem like fnatic fully mastered it either. And Oscar Renin in particular wasn't, you know, wasn't able to hold his own in the solo lanes. [00:15:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I thought he had okay games, but, like, I think his okay games were balanced out by. Ooh, ooh, that. Ooh, why are you doing that? Way too many times. [00:16:15] Speaker A: Yeah. And this is kind of a historic moment as well because the broadcast highlighted this. I didn't realize this. This is the first ever best of five loss from fnatic against an NA team. They had never lost a best of five to NA in the orgs history, to be fair. [00:16:34] Speaker B: How many best of fives have they. [00:16:35] Speaker C: Played against NA 2018 C 920 15? [00:16:41] Speaker A: It was not a small number. I want to say it was above five. [00:16:45] Speaker B: My point was the number of times they've played are mostly the years where they were really good, where they made semis, where they made finals at worlds. [00:16:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:16:55] Speaker B: The rest of the time they're just. [00:16:56] Speaker A: Not there and there's a chance I'm misremembering it. It might have even just been best of series, like including best of threes, but I just remember it being like a big moment and broadcast highlighted it. I'm misremembering exactly what it was right now, but it just shows how long fnatic has been better than Na and how long they have been, you know, a powerhouse in EU, and it's tough to see them bow out in this kind of fashion. [00:17:22] Speaker B: Let me wrap up this eulogy in the most fanatic way possible. Don't worry, fanatic. You'll have a real shot at Worlds because after this MSI performance, absolutely no one is going to expect anything from you at Worlds. [00:17:35] Speaker C: That's true. [00:17:37] Speaker A: I mean, that's one way to look at it. Sure. Yeah. If that is the buff that they need, maybe that is the buff that we should give them. Yeah. Should I hit the soundboard? [00:17:46] Speaker D: For now? [00:17:49] Speaker C: EU is going to be so disappointed in this team whenever they see them at Worlds. If. I mean, if they make it to worlds. But actually, it's not an if because. [00:17:58] Speaker B: They'Ll have to win basically one domestic best of five to get there. [00:18:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:18:03] Speaker B: And not completely bomb out in summer. [00:18:05] Speaker C: That's the requirements to at least make the, like, qualifying series. Yeah. [00:18:12] Speaker A: Well, that's going to be Infanatic's future. In their past was a mildly disappointing showing. The MSI, they still kind of crushed the play in stage. They looked pretty good there. Taking a game against top esports made us, like, even more excited for them going forward, unfortunately, that they weren't able to do much more in the main stage. But they will be bowing out, and there's another team that also bowed out in the first week of the main stage. Mazel. I actually want to hear your thoughts on this because they got to play a very, very fun series in their first series, and then maybe not as fun their second one. PSG took BLG to five games, lost in the upper bracket, and then had g two and got swept down there. What are your thoughts on PSG and how they showed up at MSI? [00:18:59] Speaker D: I thought it was awesome going into the series. I knew that June and PSG were going to have an opportunity to take down BLG. It was. [00:19:06] Speaker A: You predicted five games. [00:19:07] Speaker D: I literally predicted three, two. At the beginning of the day, we were all set in discord, and everybody was so shocked when BLG was losing. And I was like, that just shows that you haven't seen BLG all year, right? They not had a single 30 throughout the entire playoffs. They always have trouble after 25 minutes if they don't have an advantage. And I could see Junja and the rest of the team having. I think PSG showed up even more so on the day. But it was really, really awesome to actually watch that series because it was very much like the tactical mindset. I think there were some slip ups from both teams along the way, but I think. I think in particular, it was really nice to see BLG pushed a little bit, and I think that helped them as we continue the conversation on into the playoffs or I guess into the, into the stage two. [00:19:57] Speaker A: I think it's similar ish to Fnatic's journey. I know Fnatic bombed out in the upper bracket with the 30, but like we said, still like pretty close losses. PSG, close series, picking up some wins against BLG, but expectations for them, I think was much lower for. For this team, for this region. Not expected for them necessarily to make deep runs at international tournaments, which made their first series that much more exciting. I think Maple as well, having a big resurgence. Not consistently enough, though, for them to keep those wins coming, but had a couple of really good games. But then, yeah, of course, g two stepped up and even though game one felt like PSG had it and should have been able to close that one out. Caps had a Caps moment, and then the rest of the series was wrapped up after that. So PSG, one thing I will say is, I think they def. They did better in the main stage than FlyQuest would have based on the form the FlyQuest was in in play ins, unless they had some kind of big turnaround going into a main stage. I think that the fact that they were able to push BLG that far just proved that, you know, they were the better team. And even though it kind of stings as a lcs na fan to see flyquest lose out in the play in stage and PSG to make it through, I'm happy that PSG showed they were the real deal. They were able to compete with top teams internationally. So, any final words to eulogize PSG? Mizzle? [00:21:29] Speaker D: I hope to see Junjo more. I hope to see ozzy more. I think they have a lot to show, and MSI wasn't long enough for them. [00:21:41] Speaker A: I agree. Well, we'll hope to see more of them on the international stage going forward. Those are the two teams that are bowing out from main stage. There are six teams remaining. Gen G top esports, t one. Blg team, liquid and g two. There are four or two teams from the LPL, two teams from the LCK, and then one team from lcs and one team from LEC. Surprise, surprise. The teams from lcs and LEc are in the lower bracket as well. But like I said, we're going to do things a little bit different on this episode. Rather than covering every single game from every single series, we're going to go over the series to watch. If you have a limited amount of time, which, let's be honest, a lot of us do, we're going to cover the series that we think are the must watch. And if you would like to just hear the series itself and then go check it out and then come back to hear our thoughts afterwards, by all means, feel free. But these are the ones that we think are worth your time and were the series that fully delivered. Jax, I know you wrote down a couple. Give me your first series to watch from the last week. [00:22:44] Speaker B: If you literally only have one series to watch, watch g two. T one. [00:22:49] Speaker A: Okay. In the first round. That was round one. G two. T one. This is what knocked g two into the lower bracket. [00:22:55] Speaker B: Yes. [00:22:55] Speaker A: T one continued on. [00:22:56] Speaker B: It was an absolutely fucking incredible best of five. Both teams pulling out. Interesting shit. Both teams playing really well. I'm sad about the eventual outcome, game five was the least competitive of the five games. And the team I wanted to win didn't, but this series fucking ruled. This is so far my favorite best of five of the year. [00:23:23] Speaker D: Ooh. [00:23:25] Speaker A: Also, for the historical context, I mean, it's g two, t one man. Like, two of the biggest orgs in the world, the two biggest orgs in their regions. And the history between these two orgs as well is rich. [00:23:38] Speaker B: And the fact that they. It's not been like a stomp record. Both teams have beaten each other in best of fives before. I think they said caps versus fakers record going into this series was like ten and 15. Like, caps has won 40% of the games they've played. [00:23:54] Speaker A: That's impressive. [00:23:55] Speaker D: That's crazy. [00:23:55] Speaker B: Like, to be fair, one of those includes, I think. I think they played at least once against each other when he was on fnatic. But still, like, this is a storied fucking matchup. And this best of five fucking delivered. All four of the first four games are just absolute slobberknockers where you're not really sure who's gonna win until it finally blows open eventually. And game five was much more one sided, but still really good. [00:24:22] Speaker A: League of Legends game five was just the most g two draft that you could imagine. [00:24:29] Speaker B: So, yeah, that's my number one. Like, if you can literally only watch one best of five, watch that one. [00:24:34] Speaker A: Yeah, agreed. Shout out to Guma Yushi as well, who just had a monstrous performance this series. [00:24:41] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, he was nutty. [00:24:44] Speaker C: Gets pretty good. It's pretty good. [00:24:47] Speaker A: I think that one's up there. I think that one would be for sure in my top three. I think it is. It's probably my top one as well. But I want to hear from you badger thoughts on this series. And then Mazzelli, get your thoughts on this series, and then we'll move on to badger series to watch after game three. [00:25:03] Speaker C: I was like, sitting there and I'm just like, holy shit. G two figured this out. I think they're going to beat them. And then game four happened, and it's like, oh, oh, wait. Right. T one reigning world champs, they did it. And then, of course, game five was. It was there. It had its moments, but it ended up, the boys ended up pulling it out, and I was like, all right, okay. This is dread it. Run from it. Fear it. Faker's inevitable international champions or international tournaments. Everything. Just kind of go with it. [00:25:37] Speaker D: Just go the whole route. [00:25:39] Speaker A: All right. Yeah. [00:25:40] Speaker C: Faker just arrives the same no matter what. [00:25:44] Speaker A: I loved game three in particular. Cause you highlighted that like they figured it out. The poppy support into the Camille support, and the Callista Ballin. Like, what the hell are they supposed to do to a poppy, man? [00:25:57] Speaker B: Dude, Mickey X's poppy has been incredible. [00:26:01] Speaker C: The end, it was really good. I'm surprised by it. [00:26:04] Speaker B: This was also where we saw caps straight up outplay Faker. Like, he got two solo kills on Faker in the series. The other one felt more like Faker misplayed the solo kill in game three, where caps weaves back and forth on aurelion soul to break the channel on his queue so he doesn't get the proc for channeling for a second to finish. Faker off was just absolute masterclass by caps. And the fact that he can outplay Faker in a hands check was incredible. [00:26:38] Speaker A: I mean, if any EU mid laner would, it's caps. If any mid lane, you middle inner has in the past, it's caps. Like, he has that ability. And it came out in this series. Wasn't enough to get them across that finish line with the win, but still, I think that they made t one work real hard for this one. Game four was for them. I'm still not a believer in the kogma bot lane. I don't know if there's, like, strong opinions on that from other members of the cast, but I feel like that was a little ambitious. [00:27:11] Speaker B: I think it works in an environment where you get the lane swap, where you get to go bot lane with the kog'maw, and it doesn't work with Renata. She doesn't provide enough protection. This needed to be kog'maw braum in that specific circumstance. [00:27:26] Speaker A: Hmm. I could see something like that, I suppose. Love seeing some carrier bard, though. One of my favorite bard players in the world of all time. Yeah. But then, yeah, game five, we kind of highlighted a little bit. Belveth comes out from. From g two. It's not enough. They're not able to really get into a late game state where, like, the jinx and the Belvet have scaled up, and they're able to just run through t one's composition with their tanks. And, yeah, t one had a pretty solid answer in that final game five, but it went the distance. [00:28:00] Speaker B: This was also the game where it felt like Faker was clearly better than caps. In this particular game, t one's previous two wins, it didn't really feel like Faker individually was better than caps. As a matter of fact, one of them, I felt like caps was clearly better. It just didn't matter because the rest of Faker's team stepped up game five. No, Faker was like, nah, I'm done with this. I'm the unkillable demon king for a fucking reason. [00:28:26] Speaker A: Well, that's the thing about t one, is that it just feels like they have a roster where anybody can carry. I know that Wippo talked about that a little bit with their interview after they failed to qualify for mainstay was like, look at the best teams in the world. They have four to five players on the team. That can be the reason they win the game. T one's definitely a roster like that. Even if it's not all of them constantly putting that kind of pressure. They all have the ability to. So it's nice that Faker can take a step back and say, no, I don't have to be the Wincon this time. The team can do it for me. But, Mazelle, I want to get your thoughts on this series before we move on to the next series to watch. [00:29:01] Speaker D: I find it interesting just because it was. That's not exactly the way I thought it would go, but in a way it was. I think some. Some thoughts, I guess, come to like the scheduling and stuff to some extent. I think it's, like, really, really tough schedule for MSI and the turnarounds really fast. And I think you start to see some of the wear and tear on some of these teams. And I think it starts to become more evident as time goes on. [00:29:30] Speaker A: G two were at least able to bounce back later on, though, so I don't think it's too much, too big of a loss for them. Badger, I want to hear yours, though. So that is Jax's series to watch. If you only have time for one, he recommends g two versus t one. Badger, what is your series to watch? Do you agree with jax or do you have a different series you'd like to present? [00:29:51] Speaker C: I like the Billy Billy psg one just because that one had the suspense of, oh, PSG is doing it. [00:29:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Yep. [00:30:00] Speaker C: And. And even in the games that the teams won, they were not winning it for, like, the first 20 minutes of the cave. Sometimes there's just so much back and forth. The classic coast up until they lose the game they're winning. It happens so much in this series. You just. It's. It's a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get with this. So that was my number two series. [00:30:26] Speaker D: Nice. [00:30:27] Speaker C: It's just real. It's really good. It's it was just. Ozzy's a monster. I guy. Is the game one where he built berserker greaves on ergot? [00:30:42] Speaker A: Dude, that was crazy. [00:30:45] Speaker C: That's where we're going. [00:30:48] Speaker A: When I say, saw that the casters brought it up and I was. I forgot who I was watching with. It might have been cubby. I was watching with somebody and they brought up, there's berserkers greaves on the ergon. They noticed it before the casters did. And then I was able to notice, like, the next back he sells them and that buys the playstyle. [00:31:07] Speaker C: There's no way he sold. Oh, God. This is. This is going to be a swift 30. And then it was quite the opposite of a swift 30. It was full five. The best part of this is like, the longest game is like 31 minutes. [00:31:25] Speaker D: Yep. [00:31:26] Speaker C: So all. They're all shorter games, too. [00:31:29] Speaker A: But they're five was like 24 minutes. [00:31:31] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. It's what, 30 minutes? No, 25 minutes. 30 minutes. 20. Almost 25 minutes. 31 minutes and 24 minutes. So. [00:31:42] Speaker A: But to Mazelle's point, the wins that PSG got were the 30 minutes long game. So Mazelle, I mean, you. That blg, if they. If they can't win or get to like the. The late game, mid to late game with a big enough lead, they can struggle to close out games and they can drop games. [00:31:58] Speaker D: They look like chickens with their heads cut off sometimes. And it's okay. Cause they just want to hand stiff people all the time. And that's where, like, I think kind of transitioning, if you don't mind me. Get on my soapbox. I think the. The t one Blg series, actually. I know it was in five games, whatever, but it's actually. [00:32:15] Speaker A: That's your series to watch. [00:32:16] Speaker D: Yeah. It's a must watch for me because I think it showed the growth that a year and a half of this roster has really had. Yes, night edition has been huge. But I think the other parts to the puzzle are even more important because I think stability has been a big question mark for this team for so long. And they fucking smashed t one in their way. They got the Natalie. They had the style through bot lane. They had elk and on styling on Guma yushi. I think the way that some of the games went, you could still see some of the cracks in the armor from BLG. But if you want to see the growth, the culmination of what a year and a half of this team has done, what a culmination of a year and a half of shun on BLG has done. You have to watch this series. [00:33:05] Speaker A: I like it. I honestly, that was going to be mine, too. My must watch series was blg t one and for the same reasons. It's not because it's this back and forth series, but it's because it's a team as strong as t one getting completely figured out by a team that can just hand stiff them. And I honestly, I think BLG and also gen g have the best understanding of the lane swap and how to pull it off and what to do with it after the fact. So I think that BLG is a terrifying team going forward and, you know, we'll talk about more about them when we get to predictions and such, but they're. They're kind of like the team to watch for me right now. [00:33:42] Speaker B: On that note, it felt like that was actually they straight up learned it from PSG because I felt like that was part of why PSG was able to be as competitive in their best of five. And then Billy Billy took what they learned from playing PSG in that best of five and applied it to t one. That's what it felt like to me because the lane swaps were much worse from Billy Billy in the PSG series. It felt like they literally just spent the time intervening, practicing that shit. [00:34:10] Speaker A: Yeah, t one. Very efficient, though, in terms of like the. Not, not just the lane swaps, but like I said, what they were doing after the fact, just getting their jungler on the same side of the map, using their teleports to answer the dives t one was doing, but also not even necessarily needing that. Just surviving the dives on their own. Like it's. They're a terrifying team to try and punish under turrets because they just can outplay you so quickly and just turn that switch on. So. Yeah, very impressed with what we saw there. Cool. Well, those are the series to watch then. To recap, we have blg versus t one being mine and mazelle's. We have blg versus PSG from Badger and we have g two versus t one, the historic matchup from GI. All of them are great options. If you only have time for one series, take your pick. Based on our explanations there, if you can watch all of them, those are at least the three that we think you should check out from the eight options that you have in front of you. With that said, though, we're going to move on to a little bit of a game here. We're going to gamify our discussion of the teams remaining before we get into predictions to close out the episode. Now we have six teams remaining. What I want to do, if you remember a couple weeks ago for the logo rundown, we made a tier list. We're going to do something different this time around. We are going to make a ranking system from six to first for the teams remaining and assign a number to them. This number is going to represent their power level and ability to win MSI. We're going to take turns as a cast going through and then picking teams. I'll just be kind of guiding the discussion. So it'll be Jax, Badger, and Mazelle doing the picking. Each of them will get to pick two teams and then assign them a number at the very end. Each contestant can choose one that they disagree with and adjust the number by one. So up or down by one. You can also do 0.5 if you want to, but if you think that somebody is off on their power ranking, then you can adjust. You cannot adjust one of your own, though. So say, like, badger changes Mazelle's. Mazelle cannot then go back and rechange that same one because it was one that he initially put on. So with that said, I know it's probably overcomplicating it, but we're going to try it out. [00:36:25] Speaker B: It's something new that is on brand for us. [00:36:28] Speaker C: We overcomplicate. [00:36:29] Speaker A: It's incredibly on brand for no reason, but have a lot of fun and laughs doing it. Right? Right, guys, you're all supposed to laugh when I say that. All right, Jax, you're up first. I'll let you pick any team from the six remaining. Those being, of course, for anybody listening and not following along. Gen G blg, t one. Tl tes and g two. [00:36:51] Speaker B: Well, I mean, I'm the EU fan on the cast, so I got to go. G two. [00:36:55] Speaker A: Okay. What number would you like to assign to them? On a scale of one, this represents their power level and ability to win MSI from one to ten. [00:37:05] Speaker B: One to ten. I actually would give them a six. I think they're the fourth best team here and I don't think they're that far behind number three. [00:37:14] Speaker A: Okay, so let's look at their path forward. They had. They're in the lower bracket. They have top esports as their first opponent. Then they have to play the winner of TL team Liquid, then the loser of Gen G blg and then the winner of Gen g blg to take Msi. And you still think that they're a six out of ten? Power level to do so. [00:37:32] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. [00:37:34] Speaker A: Wow, that's a lot of series they have to win, but I think if any of the teams in the lower bracket could do it, if probably them or t one. So them and t one, I think. [00:37:44] Speaker B: Are the only two in the bottom bracket that have any hope of making it to the finals, let alone winning. [00:37:50] Speaker A: Okay. I still think it's a little high, but it's not my number. It's Jax's number to put. Cool. We have a six for g two. I'll be keeping track of the teams and where they are all ranked together with their numbers. So, Badger, you will be up next. Pick any team that you want to and assign a number to them. [00:38:06] Speaker C: Oh, I could go one of two ways here. I could go incredibly positive or I could go incredibly doomer right now if I want to. [00:38:18] Speaker B: Well, you are sitting in their chair. [00:38:20] Speaker C: Since they've had my back for so long, I am going to give Tl. What degree of decimal can I put? [00:38:29] Speaker A: Is it 0.5? You can go to 0.5. [00:38:31] Speaker C: Yeah, 0.5. Okay. So I'm gonna give them a 1.5 on the scale. [00:38:38] Speaker A: Okay. [00:38:39] Speaker C: Just because the gauntlet that they would have to run through, you kind of briefly touched on it. First off, they have to defeat the reigning 2023 defending world champions. And five coming off of a series where they felt like t one wasn't playing to their best level. So they're going to come back and they're going to smack the shit out of TL. And if for some reason that doesn't happen, they then have to play either g two. Who is the Na killers. Besides that one time that they lost to energy, it. [00:39:14] Speaker B: It was only a best of three. It doesn't count well. [00:39:18] Speaker C: Yeah, so I just think the road and the gauntlet for them would be way too far. Like of a climb. [00:39:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:39:26] Speaker B: It feels implausible to put that hope into any western team not named g two at this point. [00:39:32] Speaker A: Yeah, I think tl is an easy punching bag. Tl is like this, right? [00:39:36] Speaker C: DLT is definitely the 6th out of six teams power ranked left for MSI. Yeah, I definitely say that one. [00:39:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I think we all can. And if they do beat t one, not even just be when MSi, which is the 1.5, but just beating t one, I believe that would also be the first time an NA team has ever beaten the t one organization in. [00:40:00] Speaker C: A best of five. [00:40:02] Speaker B: Yes. Yeah. [00:40:03] Speaker A: Best of five. [00:40:03] Speaker B: The only western team to ever beat them previously is. [00:40:08] Speaker C: Right. [00:40:08] Speaker A: Like the only Korean I believe na is ever beaten at a best of five at a riot worlds event. [00:40:14] Speaker B: A freak of freaks has been beaten by cloud nine. [00:40:17] Speaker A: That's what I was gonna say. I believe that's the only one. Is that that world? [00:40:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:40:21] Speaker C: Cause they played Ig at the MSI. [00:40:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't. And CLG and their MSi run lost to SkT in the finals. And they also beat. I think it was. Was it PSG? I don't remember which, but it was not the LPL representative in their semi final. [00:40:39] Speaker C: They might have been flash wolves at the time. [00:40:40] Speaker A: It might have been flash wolves, but. Yeah, I remember they beat. Not. [00:40:44] Speaker B: I'm pulling it up. They. It was flash wolves. [00:40:47] Speaker A: Sweet. So this would be historic for. For North America. If we even just win this series, tl could go back to back making history, which would be kind of cool. [00:40:57] Speaker C: Listen, there's a chance. Is it a good chance? No, but there's a chance. [00:41:05] Speaker B: But it is a non zero chance. [00:41:08] Speaker A: Honestly, I still. I even think 1.5 is two. I have enough. [00:41:12] Speaker C: What's the thing is, like, I didn't want to give them a one because, you know. [00:41:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:18] Speaker C: You know, hey, they can knock off four best of five wins in a row. Yapa can come out and Captain Yappa can come out. [00:41:24] Speaker D: Captain Yappa. [00:41:26] Speaker A: It would all be like, in a row, too, because the schedule is brutal. [00:41:30] Speaker B: The schedule is fucking brutal. [00:41:32] Speaker A: They have the second series. It's top esports versus g two first, right? [00:41:35] Speaker C: Yeah, that's Tuesday. [00:41:37] Speaker A: So that they would have to win. [00:41:39] Speaker C: A best of five Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. [00:41:43] Speaker B: Yep. They get one day off before they have to play again. [00:41:46] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Because upper finals. Yeah, they would get that one. [00:41:49] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. I will say I do think Apa solo kills Faker at least once, but they still get three owed. [00:41:57] Speaker D: At least you gave them that. [00:41:59] Speaker B: Faker's been getting solo killed this tournament. That's not as implausible as it sounds. [00:42:04] Speaker A: It's a good point, actually. I do like solo killed several times. He's not just my old man hands now. [00:42:12] Speaker C: He's the old man hands at this point. [00:42:15] Speaker A: All right, Mazelle that. You're up next, though. We got g two at a six out of ten. We got tl at a 1.5 out of ten. You can pick any of the remaining four teams and give me a number, which is their power level out of ten chance to win MSI. [00:42:31] Speaker D: I'm going to choose Blg. I'm going to give them an eight. [00:42:35] Speaker A: Blg gets an eight. [00:42:38] Speaker B: I'm actually shocked it's only an eight. [00:42:40] Speaker A: I'm surprised eight out of ten when they're in the upper bracket. I think that's a big surprise factor, I imagine, from all of us is because they would only need to win two series. If they win the first series and then the second, that's only two best to fives in front of them versus Gen G. No, I just think they. [00:42:57] Speaker D: Are always a chance to lose. [00:43:01] Speaker A: Okay, sure. [00:43:05] Speaker B: Five games to beat PSG. There's a chance they lose. No matter. [00:43:09] Speaker D: There's always a chance. [00:43:11] Speaker A: So you're saying there's a chance. You know, when you put it that way, that does actually make a lot of sense because, like, they. They have been that flip floppy team. Even if they win the tournament, it's probably going to be with a couple of, like, really messy games along the way. Right. It's. I don't think we. It's. It's a low chance that we see BlG dominate a finals or dominate a, you know, a win here, even if they have the capability of getting the win, which kind of makes them a fun. They're enjoyable to watch. [00:43:44] Speaker D: Yeah. I also think it really depends on, like, because if they show up, then they're going to down smash anybody. Right. But, like, if they don't, then they don't. So I think it's just one of those things is like, which Blg do we get on the day? [00:43:56] Speaker A: Okay, eight out of ten for BLG, then they're still in first place. Right now it's blg, g two, then tl. So now I guess we'll go back to jax. Jax, pick any of the remaining teams. Give a number or power level between one and ten for ability to win MsI. [00:44:13] Speaker B: Now I have the hard choice. Do I take the team I want to shit on or do I take the team that badger wants to type up? [00:44:20] Speaker A: Oh, predicaments. [00:44:24] Speaker B: Oh, this is a hard choice. You know what? I'm going to go neither. I'm going to let you two talk about the teams. You want to talk about t one. [00:44:34] Speaker A: Okay. T one. What are you going to give t one? [00:44:37] Speaker B: All right, so I gave g two a six. I'm giving t one a seven. Okay. If they hadn't lost against blg, I'd be giving them a fucking ten right now. Like, just straight up. But the fact that they lost against Blg does hurt. It means they're in the lower bracket. They're clearly going to beat tl. I don't think there's any debate there. But then they are going to have to either rematch against g two, which they barely beat last time, or they have to play against top esports, who took gen g to five games. So they have a tougher road than I think they expected at this point, because even if they then pass top esports or g two, then they have to play either gen g or blg and then the other one. [00:45:27] Speaker C: And it's. [00:45:28] Speaker B: They just lost both of these teams in best of fives recently. [00:45:34] Speaker D: Fair. [00:45:35] Speaker B: So that's why I'm putting t one as a 7th. They are the defending world champions. It's faker and his crew. It's hard to really count them out until it actually happens, but that's a tough road with a lot of recent historical, like, counterbalance to it. [00:45:51] Speaker A: Yeah. So that's why I said, I think that a seven, it's t one. It's hard to argue that they should get below a seven. [00:46:00] Speaker B: Right. [00:46:01] Speaker A: And if we're giving g two a six, I think it's appropriate because t one has a higher chance of making that lower bracket run than g two. I think they are a better team. They show that even in their. Their best of five versus g two. But it was so close that a close number between those two at least is consistent. [00:46:18] Speaker B: I think they are the clear favorites for the third place match. [00:46:22] Speaker A: Okay. You think that they will make it to challenge gen g blg, whoever loses in the upper finals? [00:46:28] Speaker B: No, I think they're the safe bet, the most likely predicting g two for that. You'll. You'll see that when. [00:46:33] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Spoilers. Sweet. Okay, so seven for t one, then badger. That means that we're down to you. There are two teams remaining in gen G and top esports. Which would you like to pick? Wow. [00:46:46] Speaker C: Gee, I wonder which team of these two that I could possibly want to talk about. So that's why I decided to be nice. Yeah, I know. I appreciate that. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to take Gen G. It's shocker. Shocker. Am I right? [00:47:05] Speaker A: Can't believe it. Yeah. [00:47:07] Speaker C: I think I'm going to do something crazy, and I'm going to give them a ten. [00:47:11] Speaker A: Oh, a perfect ten out of ten for gen g to win msi, which. [00:47:18] Speaker C: Means they're going to get swept by blg, and then they're going to lose in losers finals now that I've lose. [00:47:26] Speaker A: The t one, you know? [00:47:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:47:30] Speaker C: I think this team is different. We've seen this team in the past not do very well in international competition but I think Pais and Lehens have international experience under the belt now. They still think pace is really good. Trovie I think might be a hot take. I think Trovie might be the best player at the tournament. He might be best player in the world at this point. I don't know, I'm, I'm still on the camp. That show me is one of the best players keen now that he's, you know, on an actual team, really good player. And Canyon snap walking Nidalee in game five just not giving a fuck. He's playing with confidence, not, not just. [00:48:15] Speaker B: Snap blocking Nidalee snap locking his Nidalee and then showing why it's his Nidalee. [00:48:22] Speaker C: Like he's pretty good at the champion. [00:48:24] Speaker B: Like he used his skin that he earned from winning worlds when he was on dam one and then fucking goes eight, two and six and just absolutely fucking gigastomps. He was up like 50 cs over Tian and out ganking him rough of. [00:48:39] Speaker C: An early game but after that it was, it was the canyon. It was the jungle canyon that you expect. [00:48:46] Speaker A: This is gonna be a bit of a side tangent, but I love that we're seeing some nidalees creep in because with the way that early games are going, I think it's perfect. Nidalee opportunity. She thrives in kind of chaotic, unsolved game states where she can take advantage of finding people out of position, finding people transitioning from one side of the jungle to the other. A squishy support, leaving their lane to give their ad carry, you know, solo xp, boom. Just kind of capitalize on those really good lane swaps. [00:49:14] Speaker C: That's the thing that I'm thinking in all of this is like if you're playing like a Zach or something like that, they can like cc a target when you're going for a dive. Natalie is really good in dives. Like someone is someone able to open up for her so that it spearheads. I mean, it's the Renekton Nidalee combo, but on steroids, like, oh, we're just diving turrets at this point. But I feel really confident that this team, I don't want to say it because I also think Bill, Billy Billy is really good. Like, I think Billy Billy and Gen G, one of those. I think the winner just comes from this series. Like genuinely who I am. [00:49:50] Speaker D: I wanna see who gets the Nidalee or if we just get Nidalee trades across the board, are we gonna get. [00:49:55] Speaker C: Nidalee bans this series is the real question. [00:49:58] Speaker B: There's a real chance we do. I was gonna say, what I'm hoping for is that this series gives us five games, and then assuming that the loser of this series then makes it to the finals, which I think is the safest bet, that we get another five game series the next day. [00:50:13] Speaker A: That's what I'm predicting. I actually am. Yeah. [00:50:16] Speaker C: That's how I have my predictions. [00:50:17] Speaker A: We'll cover that once we get to predictions, but I love that ten for Gen G from Badger. I. You know, I'll get my thoughts on some of the numbers afterwards, but you know, that a perfect ten, that's. That's a lot. Mizel, you have one team remaining in top esports, but to catch everybody else up, gen G at ten. Blg eight. T one seven. G 260. Liquid 1.5. So, where would you like to put top esports? What number would you like to assign to them in your confidence out of ten? [00:50:46] Speaker D: I'm going to give them a six. [00:50:48] Speaker A: Okay. Match with g two. And funnily enough, playing against g two in their lower bracket match. Why is six missile? [00:50:57] Speaker D: I just think that they have a good read on the bot lane plays, and especially, like, some of the lane swaps they were able to represent were some really. Well, I know a lot of the community members were saying that. I forget which series it was, but they represent, like, one of the best versions of lane swaps in all of the tournament, and I'd be very interested. They can kind of continue to use that. I think tien, I don't know. He got, like, a conversation or something. That man turned it up for their last series, and I think if he's having a good tournament from here on out, they have a serious possibility of making it to finals. [00:51:28] Speaker A: Okay. Well, again, I think it is consistent, if nothing else, because they are at the same stage in the bracket. That's something that I kind of like, was trying to keep track of, is that some of the teams have way more series to play. If you're in the lower bracket, your number, just by default, should be lower because. Because you have to win multiple best of fives in a row, the exact number being four best of fives, to take the MSI championship. If your gen G or BLG, there's good buffer room, you can lose one and then still come back. It's only max, three minimum, two series to take. So just mathematically, I think that does make sense. So, the final or not final, but going into the final round, we have gen g at ten, blg at eight, t one seven, g two at six, tes at six. Alphabetically, I put g two first and then team liquid 1.5. Now, we're going to go through one more time and everybody can move a number up or down a maximum of one. You can do a 0.5 if you think it's only warranting a 0.5, but this is to ensure that there's less bias. If you think somebody is egregiously off the mark with something, you can adjust it. Jacks, you got to start. You get to start this one as well. Looking at the list, what would you like to move? [00:52:39] Speaker B: I don't think anyone's egregiously off the mark at all. [00:52:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:52:43] Speaker B: I do think there are a couple that I think are minorly off the mark. I want to knock Gen G down to a nine. [00:52:48] Speaker C: I was wondering if he's going to. [00:52:49] Speaker A: Do that full one down to a nine. That. I think that one's pretty obvious. [00:52:55] Speaker C: The reason I did it is because I wanted them to be at least a nine at the end of this exercise. [00:53:00] Speaker B: That's valid, but I think nine is the correct place for them because even though they three zeroed fnatic, we saw flaws there. They did not look great beating top esports, but Pais and the hens got fucking destroyed in that series. [00:53:14] Speaker A: If you're a ten, you have to smash your way to that point. [00:53:18] Speaker B: The fact that they won anyway is why I think a nine is still fine, but, like, they don't deserve. [00:53:24] Speaker A: I would have been okay with a 9.5, but I think nine's more appropriate. Ten, I think, was too high. [00:53:29] Speaker B: That's choice. [00:53:30] Speaker D: I understand, badger. [00:53:32] Speaker C: It's the mental warfare of being like, hey, at least I want them to be a nine. [00:53:36] Speaker A: And before Mazelle drops him down to eight. Okay. [00:53:39] Speaker C: Okay. [00:53:40] Speaker A: You're up next, though, badgers, you can adjust spoilers. [00:53:42] Speaker C: I'm going to move blg up to a nine because I think, oh, nice. You said k and I'm just like, this is going to be perfect. I'm going to move one of these two is going to move Gen G down a peg. I'm going to move blg up a peg. They're going to both because realistically speaking, like I said, I think just because the nature of how they're in winners finals already and one best of five win puts them grand finals waiting their opponent all those extra days just because the long gauntlet leading into it, I just think whoever is the winner of this series is in a really good position to win MSI. [00:54:18] Speaker B: It is important to note, based on the schedule, it's not actually as much time as you'd think. The loser of the Gen G BlG series gets one day before they play again, and there's two days between their series and the grand finals. [00:54:32] Speaker C: Yeah, but it's still an extra entire best of five game day and a weekend that you can knock off and just be like, all right, we do a lot of prep. We could sit, watch the series, and just be ready to go for it. [00:54:45] Speaker B: I just mean, this isn't, like, some formats for regional finals where it's like, you got a week. [00:54:49] Speaker A: Now, the counterpoint that I have heard for international events is that everyone's leaving scrim partners harder to come by. Sometimes the momentum of having that best of five before the finals can be better, but I don't know if that's true. I'm just playing Devil's ass. [00:55:08] Speaker C: They're close enough to Korea that they could scrim. They could scrim at least their academy team. [00:55:15] Speaker B: I don't know. They probably have, like, a hundred ping to Korea from where they are. [00:55:19] Speaker A: And if BLG wins, they could definitely scrim other LPL teams as well. If there are rosters that aren't, like, on vacation or, you know, taking breaks or whatever, so. [00:55:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:27] Speaker A: Okay, well, Gen G down to nine. Blg up to nine. Mazelle, you get your movement, you can go by a full one or a. .5 what team would you like to adjust? [00:55:37] Speaker D: Tl going up to a 2.5. [00:55:42] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:55:46] Speaker C: Damn. I really like how both of you just are like, you know what? Fuck your prediction. Fuck your rankings in particular. I'm just. [00:55:53] Speaker D: Damn right. [00:55:55] Speaker A: And for my vote, I'm gonna put them back to a 1.55. [00:56:04] Speaker B: Is still too charitable. [00:56:05] Speaker D: I'm going to cut this out. I'm going to use this anytime that Kangas represents n eight. He's all proud. I'm going to be like, what. [00:56:15] Speaker A: I'm doing with the CLG strat now, Mazelle. Where I downplay them so much that now when they win, it's going to be a big deal. [00:56:21] Speaker B: Mazelle. Wait till team liquid somehow beats t one and then use that clip to make fun of. [00:56:27] Speaker D: There you go. There you go. [00:56:28] Speaker A: All right, you know what? I will give you back the 2.5 because I think that there's actually one that needs to move first. I am going to give g two a. .5 bump up. Not a full point. I think they have a slightly higher chance than top esports. So I think that that should be represented, but I don't think top esports, you know, actually, let's drop top down to a 5.5. How about that? Because I do think that, in general, five should be, like, kind of the. The baseline. In my mind, five is like the, ah, you got, like, a chance. So 6.5 is maybe too high for g two. Considering the lower bracket, four best of fives in a row is what they would need to win. So there we go. I'll move top esports down to 5.5. So that means at the very end of the game, we got gen g, actually, I guess mathematic alphabetically. It should be blg first at nine, gen g at nine, t one at seven, g two at six, top esports at 5.5, and team liquid at a good old 2.5. Thank you. Thanks to mazelle. All right. That was awesome. How do we feel about that, guys? Do we think that there's still anything that you would want to change if you had another point or a .5 to move around? No, I think I would move. [00:57:41] Speaker C: I think I'd move t. Well, I guess you move tes to 5.5. I think gt 6.5 makes sense because I feel like they're almost to the level of t one, but they just. [00:57:53] Speaker A: That's a good. [00:57:53] Speaker C: They have a tougher opponent in this first and this first best of five. [00:57:58] Speaker A: Yes. That's a big factor. [00:58:01] Speaker C: There's a world that I could see tabby's ward's beating g two, but there's very fewer. So, like, all the possibilities of doctor strange and all that, of being like, there's all these possibilities that tes beats g two. There's not as many, or I see tl beating t one. I'm not gonna lie. [00:58:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that that one I could see an argument for. I also still think having gen g and blg tied is surprising. But you know what? We can cover that in the next conversation because we're going to close things out with predictions. We're going to go over the remaining series that we get to see and give our thoughts on who's going to walk away the victor. So let's start things off up first. On Tuesday the 14th at 02:00 a.m. Pacific time, we have top esports taking on g two and a best of five in the lower bracket. Across the board, we have contention. Jax and Badger both have g two winning at three one. I have g two with a three two. Bickle did fill out his predictions with hoppy sports at three two, and so did Mazelle at three and two. So I'm going to let Mazelle go first. Top esports, since you're the one on the cast that is believing that they'll take this series, how do you think they do it? [00:59:17] Speaker D: I think they just have better swaps and especially better macro. I think we saw some really good stuff from g two, and I think their picks particularly were really good, but I don't think that's going to upset top esports. I think they'll lose a couple of games, but I think like particularly, I think Jackie Love will clutch out game number five. [00:59:34] Speaker A: One big factor in top esports. This is something that Kelsie Moser actually posted earlier today on socials. Go check it out. Really informative YouTube video. She's been doing a lot of content around MSI, but the, the kind of strategy behind lane swaps and intention behind lane swaps not necessarily being about the turret plates, but more so about experience leads. Getting XP onto your carries is more important often than just getting the gold from the plates and winning that race. And we saw that in top esports versus team liquid. I think the top esports is a team that really utilizes that for their. [01:00:10] Speaker B: Ad carry in particular, and also experience denial of the enemy top laner. We've seen a lot of the lane swaps not actually be about the bot lane two v two avoidance at all, and purely be about no. Let's make sure this guy who picked a dominant lane matchup is fucked instead. [01:00:28] Speaker A: Now, I will say I don't think Jackie Love Mako are going to be able to rush level six Lucian and double kill Hansama Mickey as much as they were able to do Yonkor JJ. But I do think that there's a good chance that they're able to still take that series, which is why I have it. Three, two. I don't think it's gonna be dominant either way. I think it's gonna be close, but yes. Jax, Badger, you both have g two taken at three. One. Jax, it seems like you wanna go for this one, so I'll let you defend your prediction. Sure. [01:00:59] Speaker B: So I actually do think Jackie Love and Mako are straight up better than Hans and Mickey right now. But I think the gulf in mid lane, which Chovy did not have a good series and he still won the mid lane three times out of five. Cream sucks. Cream is the weakest mid laner remaining in this tournament. That's the reason that I think GT. [01:01:22] Speaker C: That I do not agree with, but. [01:01:24] Speaker D: I do not agree with that. [01:01:26] Speaker B: I take Apa over him. [01:01:28] Speaker D: That is. [01:01:29] Speaker C: That's. [01:01:30] Speaker D: That is suspect, my friend. [01:01:33] Speaker A: Reminder, everyone, that cream is, of course, a rookie to the international stage. This is his first international event, right? Missile? [01:01:39] Speaker D: Yep. [01:01:40] Speaker B: And to be clear, I'm not saying, like, he's going to be a bad player forever, but, like, he's a rookie, and it shows. [01:01:47] Speaker A: I think that what I will agree with there, Jax, is that it has shown there there have been moments and laning phases from cream where he does not look convincing. He does not look like he is the carry for the team, but there's also been moments where he really steps up as well. So I think we're getting two different sides of him, which is expected from, you know, he's also on a team. [01:02:09] Speaker D: With multi world champions and, like, he is not the carry. Hey. That's what I think has been so surprising about top esports is that they have been opting into more carries for cream. The fact that he got his Akali for, like, the first time in forever was actually insane because all year long they've been playing very facilitated the karmas, the things that can roam out of mid lanes, trying to get him into side lanes, trying to support the other big stars on the team. So I don't think he's built right now for the carry position. I think that's why it's interesting still. [01:02:41] Speaker B: The games he looked good in weren't even the Akali games. It was the. The Corki and the Tristana. [01:02:46] Speaker A: His corki was pretty dirty. I will say dude's a better ad carry that. [01:02:51] Speaker B: He is an actual mid laner from what I can see. [01:02:55] Speaker A: That is one of the takes of all time. [01:02:56] Speaker D: Every take of all time. [01:02:58] Speaker A: But you think g two three one. Badger as well. Three one again. I had three two. That's the first series. Next series, we. Oh, I was about to say no way. We all agree, but it's just because t one and tl look so similar on the dock. T one taking on t l in the second series. And across the board, I see a lot more t one faith than tl, but surprisingly, a lot of tl face as well. Myself and Badger have t one taking the series three one. Bickel thinks it's a 30, but Mazelle and Jax have faith in lcs. Jax with a three two, Mazel with a three one for team liquid. I love it personally, but I already told you my strategy. It is the CLG strat where we lower faith right now with hopes of a surge. But mazelle, I'll give you the first word here as well. Team liquid three one. And what are you thinking? [01:03:50] Speaker D: Oh, I think it's all day tl just cause the mindset. T one not looking strong after that last series. I think. I think tl are some momentum. [01:04:03] Speaker A: They're looking shakier than we've ever seen this roster. Look, I will say that. [01:04:10] Speaker C: They'Ll be. [01:04:10] Speaker A: All right, which is why I have. [01:04:13] Speaker D: I'm sure, but the nacopium has taken me over. Okay. So I don't want to hear it. [01:04:19] Speaker A: All right. All right. Well, Badger, give me your thoughts. [01:04:24] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:04:27] Speaker A: Badger and I both have one game for tl and for everything Mazelle just said. That's why I have the one game. [01:04:34] Speaker D: You fake fan? [01:04:36] Speaker C: You fake fan. [01:04:39] Speaker A: The one time I predict against na, I'm immediately called fake fan. But, badger, what are your thoughts on the TLT one series? Why do you think t one takes his three one? [01:04:50] Speaker C: I don't have the stats, so I'm going to make one up in my head real fast. But t love it. T one bouncing back in lower bracket always has like a higher, higher win rate or it has a high win rate. I'm going to say 80% chance that once they get in the lower bracket. [01:05:06] Speaker A: Oh, 80%? Not exactly. Seven out of ten. That would be an eight out of. [01:05:12] Speaker C: I don't know. I just don't think that tl is the team that's going to take him down. I just don't see it. Like, I feel like tl or t one matches up really well on the tl. [01:05:26] Speaker A: Do we think that they run the impact versus faker narrative? [01:05:31] Speaker B: They have to, right? [01:05:33] Speaker C: Do you realize how many times they're going to show them and there's a picture of them that was posted and I can't remember who was the one that posted it, but there's one of impact and faker and the old, old t one red jerseys that they wore in Staples in 2013 when they won the title holding the trophy. Do you realize how many times we're going to see that picture between now and Wednesday when they actually play these games? Too many times. [01:06:00] Speaker A: Too many times. Too many times. Although I imagine. I imagine the narrative from production side is going to be more focused on the next match that we're going to do. Predictions for. Unless there's any final thoughts on t one. Tl. Are we ready to wrap that one up? [01:06:16] Speaker D: Yeah, we're good. [01:06:18] Speaker A: Gen G versus blg, Knight versus chovy the match we have been waiting years to see on the international stage, and we finally get it. And I am so happy that there is one thing that we are all in agreement on. In predictions. It's going five games, baby. Got a lot of Blg. Faith, jax, myself, Bickle, and mazelle all have blg three and two. Badger, the only one holding out for Gen G. No surprise, right? Can't believe this guy, of all people. [01:06:56] Speaker C: Be in session on Thursday. [01:06:58] Speaker A: All right, defend it then. Badger. [01:07:00] Speaker D: Why do you think three two in. [01:07:01] Speaker A: Favor of Gen G? [01:07:05] Speaker C: I don't. I I don't know. I just think I might be biased. It might be. Might be the fact that I, realistically speaking, MSI is LPL's event. [01:07:16] Speaker A: So kind of is. [01:07:18] Speaker C: It kind of is. I just. I'm just. I'm just really hoping it's. It's a lot of hope. It's a lot of. You know what? It's the. It's the hopium coming through. This is. This is my take in all of. [01:07:29] Speaker A: It, is that I think second hand hopium from second hand pace is. [01:07:34] Speaker C: Pace will surely outplay elk. I'm just really excited for night versus Chovy. It's the most excited I've been since the mountain versus the viper in season four of Game of Thrones that I totally have never watched because I only made it, like, four episodes into the show. [01:07:55] Speaker A: I'm happy you added yourself because I was about to and wouldn't have heard that explanation earlier. Okay, so three two, mostly hopium. I think that that's pretty apt. Again, we all think it's going the full five games. Jax, what are your thoughts here? Talk about BLG and why you slightly favor them in the series. [01:08:15] Speaker B: I think BLG has the best spotlight in the tournament. [01:08:18] Speaker A: I think so, yeah. [01:08:19] Speaker C: That's not a bad take to have. [01:08:20] Speaker B: And I think Gen G's bot lane is the fourth or fifth best. [01:08:25] Speaker C: Oh, that's. That's maybe not as good of a take. [01:08:30] Speaker B: Above g two, to be fair. [01:08:32] Speaker A: In a lane swap meta, where so much of the game is determined by how much gold and experience the ad carry gets during these lane swaps, you would rather have the best in the tournament. [01:08:44] Speaker B: That's really what it comes down to. I think night versus Chovy is hype. I think it is mildly Chovy favored. Um, I think Canyon versus Tien is the biggest mismatch in Gen G's favor. And I think keen versus Ben is awash. So therefore, I go to the bot lane and I'm like the best versus top four or five. [01:09:04] Speaker A: I actually favor Ben in that matchup by enough that that was the differentiator for me, more so than bot lane. I think bot Lane's a big part of it, but for me it was the fact. I think Ben has the ability to smash keen. If he gets the Ben picks, if the draft allows him to play the bin jams, he is going to pull them out and can do some crazy things. Mazel though. You're the expert on the LPL matters here, so I want to get your thoughts on BlG. [01:09:28] Speaker D: Gen G yeah, I think it's going to depend if Gen G can actually pull out some of the strategies. I think the weakest point is going to be bot side. I think elk and on can have a really, really strong showing against pace specifically. I think Pace had some really rough times in their last series. Not going to lie in some of those games. Also had some really good times, but some of his positioning and stuff was really rough and I think that is where a lot of people have been highlighting recently because shocking people are learning about Blg after having watched them for the turn of it whole long. They are very quick on decision making and I think if you are caught out, if you're making a wrong decision even once with some of the newer players for Gen G, I think you can absolutely take advantage of that. But I think we've also seen some serious strengths around objective control, map control, especially team fighting for Gen G. So I think it's just going to be queuing up to be one of the best, best of fives of all time. It's going to be great. [01:10:21] Speaker A: I am so excited for that. Winners finals, not even grand finals, just the winners finals. There's a chance we could get a rematch. Let's see if our predictions predict just that. Losers semis so this is the winner of top esports, g two versus the winner of t one t l. So keep in mind the previous predictions going forward here. Pretty much everybody has either g two or t one because there wasn't a lot of faith in top esports or team liquid from the previous round. So jax and myself have g 232. Badger, Bickle and mazelle will have t one. With Badger and mazzell agreen it's a three two. So we all also think this is a five game series, which is the rematch, of course, from round one. I'll take this one to start off. I think g two is going to learn from their last round against t one. It seemed like they were getting. Getting better until faker just kind of kicked his ass into gear. Uh, but if g two comes out strong early and prevents faker from being able to do that, I think there's a good chance they can take it. I'm hoping it's a five game series, because that's more of a banger, but I actually. I think it's more realistic if g two win this. It's a three one or a 30. I think if they can win the first, like, game, especially the first two games, they really clip the wind out of t one sales, and then they t one has to make multiple comebacks in a row. So I'm hoping it's five games. That's my heart, but my head actually. [01:11:44] Speaker B: Says three one minor addendum. I think if g two wins the first two and then loses a game, they're done. [01:11:51] Speaker A: Oh, I don't think so. I think g two can bounce back. I think that they can actually win. [01:11:56] Speaker B: By going, like, one one and then either winning out or going one one and then winning game five. I think they can 30. I do not think they can win two and then lose a game and still win the series series. [01:12:07] Speaker A: Interesting. [01:12:08] Speaker B: G much of a momentum based team. They're too much of a mental team that will devastate their mental, especially if it's a brutal game three that they lose. [01:12:20] Speaker A: Well, we'll see, but that's the. The two the thing. G two will take it. Badger, talk us back down to earth. Why does t one take this one? [01:12:30] Speaker C: Surely the defending 2023 world champions don't lose. G two and losers finals. [01:12:40] Speaker A: No fashion confidence right there. [01:12:42] Speaker C: I don't know. I just. I just think this team has way too much experience under their belt. I mean, we've seen. We're seeing faker at a different point in his career where he's more of the. I always call it the 2018 pawn. He's the third fiddle on the team. You've got Zeus, who's a really good carry, top player. And you have a gumiushi, who's really good ad with Kerria, one of the best supports in the tournament. Surely. Surely this team doesn't lose. I mean, the curveball that I could see is g two does all the g two things that they do of, like, all the weird picks and shit, which might catch them off guard, but I have a feeling there's enough experience on the other side that it's just like, oh, in this situation, all you need to do is avoid doing this. Like, avoid this flip or avoid this situation in a lane swap, you just kind of have to give it to them and then just let them go. So I just have a feeling. I mean, five games, I think t one would be favored at that point, but I don't know. I will see. [01:13:53] Speaker A: Against g two comps and g two style, I oftentimes feel that the best way to win is knowing what not to do rather than knowing what to do. Just know where to not get picked, where to not throw the game into whatever g two's trying to cause chaos on the map doing. And then if you don't give g two the lead that they're trying to get with their wacky strats, then what are they going to do from that point forward? [01:14:17] Speaker C: So I think korea. So I think they do really well into Korea just because sometimes they make it a hand stiff game instead of a, like, brain diff game, like some teams do. But, like, I feel like that style doesn't work as well against LPL because LPL is just, hey, they'll take. We want to fight. Hey, you want to fight? All right, we're going to just go punch for punch. Like, it's the reason why I'm trying to think, who was it hates fighting Moon Knight. Because moon. Oh, Taskmaster hates fighting Moon Knight in the Marvel series. Because, I mean, yeah, you just punch back and forth, and I'm pretty sure that's the one. I can't remember what it is, but basically it's one hero or one villain hates fighting one hero just because the fact that they copy moves and Moon Knight feels no pain. So you just go punch for punch at that point, like he doesn't give a fuck. [01:15:08] Speaker A: So it's like Wolverine versus. Yeah, it's something like Wolverine's brother, the saber tooth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:15:14] Speaker C: Pretty much. [01:15:14] Speaker A: It's, like, healing factor. [01:15:16] Speaker C: That idea of just, like, we're just gonna punch the shit out of each other and. And I'm going to win. So. [01:15:23] Speaker A: Well, now that we outed ourselves as nerdy, but not nerdy enough to actually know the references. [01:15:30] Speaker C: Podcast, what do you expect? [01:15:33] Speaker A: That's a good point. [01:15:37] Speaker C: On that. [01:15:39] Speaker D: No, I think it's curious, right? Because I think the way it can go is very different from, I feel like, the expected outcome in a lot of ways, but I don't know. I think we've seen a lot of ups and downs from teams, so that's why I'm not super sure about a lot of teams. [01:16:00] Speaker A: It's tough to predict. I feel like this MSI, there are five teams I could see winning, and then one that was ranked 2.5 technically has a chance. But I would not be, like, blown away. I would be maybe surprised if some win, but I wouldn't be, like, shocked. Like, there's no way. How did they win? Right? Like, a lot of teams have the potential to do it if it's the right day, if it's their moment. [01:16:28] Speaker B: I would be genuinely shocked if g two actually runs the whole thing like I am predicting in my predictions because it's so contrary to every narrative we get every single year. 2019, when g two tl were the finals of MSi. [01:16:42] Speaker A: Oh, my God. You have them running. [01:16:43] Speaker B: Yes, I do. [01:16:46] Speaker A: Okay. [01:16:46] Speaker B: Kangas didn't notice this. I literally predicted the west to win every series they are in in my entire predictions, in three twos, in everything except the top esports g two match, the 2019. The reason 2019 MSI stuck with us so hard wasn't because the west won. It was because the west won when expectations were that the west would get fucking stomped. And since then, the west has gotten fucking stomped. That's still the expectations. So, yeah, g two winning would be genuinely shocking. I would be so fucking over the moon ecstatic. That's what the fanboy in me wants. I want to see EU fucking win and get a fourth seed for EU. I want to see EU make finals and get a fourth seed for EU, but. [01:17:37] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:17:38] Speaker B: It's a long shot. Much as I've tried to hype them up here, it's a long shot. [01:17:43] Speaker A: It's a big long shot. But that does spoil. You do have them in the losers finals picking up their series three, too. The rest of us basically just have whoever lost the upper bracket or the winners finals. So if you had gen g winning, then we have blg winning the losers finals. If you had blg winning winners finals, we have gen g winning the losers finals. Mazelle. You have gen g 30, though, so I do want to give you a chance to talk about that. Because you think that they stomp whoever they're up against. [01:18:09] Speaker D: Yeah, I think they do. I think gingy has proven to be the second best team also. All. All msi long. I think they are going to learn a lot from the last series, but also their future series. So I expect it to be a blg gen g finals. [01:18:28] Speaker A: I agree, jax, it seemed like you wanted to hop in on something there. [01:18:31] Speaker B: I was just going to point out that a bickle does think t one is actually going to make it through to the grand finals. [01:18:37] Speaker A: Yes, I was going to touch on that. But since pickles out here to explain it. Pickle, shout out. If t one does make it, you can say, I told you so. But now it's to the grand finals, the last match internationally before summer split. And across the board, Jax, I mean, you already spoiled it. You have g two taking it. But now let's get into the rest of us. [01:18:59] Speaker B: Everyone else has. Whoever won the upper bracket finals winning it, they don't think anyone is going to come back from lower bracket. [01:19:06] Speaker A: That's a good. That's really funny. I didn't notice that. So, I mean, that kind of spoils it, but let's just cover it anyway. BLG for me, for bickle as well, for Mazelle. And surprise, surprise, Badger still has Gen G. But one thing is confirmed. We all think it's going five games, just like the upper bracket. So we get back to back five game bangers between these two teams, and we already talked about it for the upper brackets, so I don't think that we really need to dive too much into it since nobody really changed their mind, unless there's any other points that folks really want to get in for, why they think their team takes this one. Because I feel like if you think they win the upper bracket, it kind of makes sense that you think they win the grand finals. Yeah, that's pretty much it. So that means three for blg, only one for Gen G. Badger, you get the chance. Do you want to make a bet? I'll let you offer it. Since you're the only one that thinks Gen G is going to win. Do you want to. Do you want to offer any odds for anybody else on the cast? Because it seems like we're all in agreement. And while you think about it, Jax, I want to. I want you to say if it's. You're voting g two, maybe for the memes, maybe for the heart, but if it has to be blg, Gen G, who do you have taken it and what's the serious score? [01:20:18] Speaker B: I think if it actually does come down to blG, Gen G, I think blG takes it in a three one, because I think that blg looks like a team that learns. Like they've been leveling up over this tournament. [01:20:31] Speaker A: Okay. [01:20:32] Speaker B: And I haven't felt the same way about Gen G. I think coming into the tournaments, I would have said Gen G over blg, but watching them play these past couple series and seeing their growth as they went from barely beating psg to kind of stomping t one. And watching how much they cleaned up their play, I think regardless of whether they beat gen g the first time around, they will beat them the second time around. [01:20:58] Speaker A: I like it. I think that at least it makes things a little spicier than last time around. I'm trying. [01:21:03] Speaker B: I think g two makes it there instead. [01:21:06] Speaker A: How different were the rosters for gen g blg last year? [01:21:11] Speaker C: Because blg 30 gen g canon instead of peanut, and then night. [01:21:20] Speaker A: Yeah, so similar rosters. And blg three owed them last year at MSI. Then three, one, t one, and then lost a Jdg in that finals. But just a little historical context to think about there. Fun fact, blg also beat g two on their path there. So blg, pretty good track record against a lot of the teams still remaining here in the tournament. Badger, have you had time? Do you have anything to offer? [01:21:48] Speaker C: Keenan said adoran, too. [01:21:50] Speaker A: That's another big one. [01:21:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I forgot Doran was on that team. [01:21:54] Speaker A: All right. Not jacks. Badger, have you had time? [01:21:58] Speaker C: I guess I. Like. I was trying to think of, like, a way that I could get somebody to watch, like, a 2014 Midas Fio versus long shoe to who? Like, series on stream. Like, okay, but. [01:22:22] Speaker B: No, no, no. I know who longju is. Who the fuck is the other team? [01:22:26] Speaker C: You said Midas Fio. [01:22:27] Speaker B: I have never heard of this team. [01:22:29] Speaker C: It was a LCK challengers, or it was a challengers team that got promoted to LCK and then. Or not LC. I guess I would have been an OGN tournament, and they had lak t is their ad carry, who was this, like, huge Draven player, and it was, like, the first draven player in Korea, so really good player. Draven got banned every game. They just lost every game because they sucked. [01:22:58] Speaker A: All right, how about this, then? If. If Gen G wins, I will watch that with you on my stream. [01:23:04] Speaker C: No, here, I got one for you. [01:23:07] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:23:08] Speaker C: We're gonna watch. We're gonna watch the 90 1 minute Jenn air green wings game together. And you're gonna have to. You're gonna have to break it down and color cast. [01:23:26] Speaker D: Okay? [01:23:27] Speaker C: You're gonna have to color cast. I will play by play, and you color cast the 90 1 minute chin versus. [01:23:36] Speaker A: I'm in. [01:23:37] Speaker C: All right. [01:23:38] Speaker A: Gen G wins. But if BLG wins, this is what you have to do. It's also gonna be on my stream. But you and I are gonna watch CLG versus rocks tigers with the aurelian soul. Level one roam bot lane. That was the Rock Tigers game right at world, or was that MSI that they beat rock Tigers? I'm trying to remember because. [01:24:00] Speaker B: No, that was like 21. Was there worlds when. [01:24:04] Speaker C: Because that was the Luna. [01:24:07] Speaker A: Yeah, but wasn't that rock tigers? It was in their group. I want to say they were called. [01:24:10] Speaker B: Whatever tigers by then, but yes, they were. [01:24:12] Speaker C: Yeah, whatever. [01:24:13] Speaker A: The. This. That team was with the level one ace, old Rome. We're gonna watch that game together. [01:24:18] Speaker B: No, they were rockstars. You are correct. [01:24:20] Speaker A: It was Rockstar. I thought it was rock Tigers. There we go. But I guess myself, right as I. [01:24:25] Speaker C: That's reasonable. That's reasonable. [01:24:27] Speaker A: There we go. There we go. Perfect. [01:24:28] Speaker C: All right. [01:24:30] Speaker A: I feel like one of these is not equivalent to the other. I should probably pick two games. But you know what? We'll just keep it simple. That's our predictions, and we got a lot of BLG winning MSi. We got one holdout for Gen G and one hopeful for G two. But let us know who you think is going to win MSi in the discord. A reminder, you can find a link if you haven't already joined in the description for the episode, wherever you are watching it right now. Speaking of positive reviews, help us out greatly with the algorithm if you enjoyed the episode and have the time. We greatly appreciate if you're willing to drop a. Thumbs. Thumbs up or drop a star. Mazelle. How many stars should they give? [01:25:09] Speaker D: There's these constellations, and they're made up of a certain amount of stars. And the one I'm thinking of is five stars. [01:25:16] Speaker A: Okay. And the name of that constellation is. [01:25:21] Speaker D: Like. And subscribe. [01:25:25] Speaker A: Which everyone knows is five stars. You can give that for us. Greatly appreciate it. Shout out to the patrons who help us with our audio editor to make sure that the episodes sound amazing. And also, just for everybody who supports a podcast, we wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for all of you. We love you and we'll see you next time. [01:25:45] Speaker B: Bye bye. Bye, everyone.

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