Episode Transcript
[00:00:13] Speaker A: Gets a little too far here. He's gonna have to try and get himself out Living O Tillery and the rest of the shots of fire. Zion is just killing the next Zion can eat it single handedly win the game by game by game by game by should be. Oh my God. Stupid Passes through and manages to the table with Messiah tanking it up. I do not believe he just believe.
I cannot understand this game.
Unicorns of love. It wasn't a mutant. The Nexus hello and welcome to episode 546 of the League Rundown. This is the 2025 LTA split one week one review and the LEC week two review. This episode is only entitled Two O's and El Classicos. I am your host, Kangas and I'm joined by two esteemed co hosts. Up first we have Mr. Mazelpl.
[00:01:29] Speaker B: Hello. I'm excited to talk about League of Legos.
[00:01:33] Speaker A: I am excited to have you here. Also, shout out again to Mizel for joining us today. A little bit of a migraine, so if you need a rest at any point or an emergency water, I will.
[00:01:45] Speaker B: I need to actually throw away my water bottles. I. I like when I got home from errands, I chugged like three of them because my first instinct, when I have headaches, no matter where on my head, I'm just like, I definitely have not drank enough or something. So like I just chug a bunch of water. So we'll see. We'll see if it helps.
[00:02:04] Speaker A: All right, well, hopefully it does. Either way, thank you for being here. We also have joining us rmc.
[00:02:10] Speaker C: Hello. Hello. I'm back with the resurrection of the ota. Or beginning of the ota, I guess.
[00:02:15] Speaker B: Because we just had resurrection.
[00:02:17] Speaker A: Yeah.
Is it already dead? It already died.
[00:02:21] Speaker C: If you listen to Reddit, it was doa.
[00:02:24] Speaker B: Oh, yo, yo. Hey, I. I have a thought really quick. I know this is gonna have completely tangential consequences. I'm so sorry for this, but you're good. In another podcast, our friend Cubby was talking.
I lost my train of thought. Never mind.
[00:02:44] Speaker A: Yeah, you know, usually that happens with me when Cubby talks too. I just stop listening and I block it out.
[00:02:52] Speaker C: Recovery is just getting shot.
[00:02:54] Speaker A: Shout out, gummy friend of the pod. He's been out a couple of times. Next time he comes on, let's bully him live. I think that's true too. And then we could say that we did this when he wasn't here and then make him defend himself.
[00:03:05] Speaker C: But Kangas, I feel like, you know, you missed out something in our intros.
[00:03:08] Speaker A: What was in our intros?
[00:03:10] Speaker C: You missed out your own intro?
[00:03:12] Speaker A: Well, usually North Caster. Okay, I'm not gonna poot my own horn every episode, but yes, it was my debut on the LTA north broadcast this past weekend. A lot of fun there. Shout out to anybody who came and said hi.
There were a couple listeners of the pod that were there, which was really cool. A lot of people recognize me. And like, I think the. The majority of people that came up to say hi to me also included. It's so cool to see you here. I love the stuff you do with Yu Gi oh, which is really funny that at this point in my career, like, there's a big enough overlap between the two communities that people, like, recognize me in both. But it was awesome experience.
I had a lot of fun. And I'm gonna be taking a lot of notes into my next one, which notably will not next weekend. I actually do have a Yu Gi oh road show I'm gonna be at this weekend, which I told Riot well ahead of time about. So they were able to schedule around me. But I should be back the following weekend. So you'll miss me on the broadcast, but Azale will be stepping in as play by play to fill in.
[00:04:09] Speaker C: So they had to schedule around you because they knew that their fans would follow you to the Yu Gi oh.
[00:04:13] Speaker A: Exactly. Yep. And the crowd is going to be half empty this next weekend because half of that crowd's at the Yu Gi oh event with me in Orlando.
[00:04:22] Speaker B: Also, it doesn't really matter because even if it was full, they wouldn't cheer anyways. The crowds and LTA just don't understand how to be a crowd.
[00:04:32] Speaker A: Like, it was mostly packed, but you're right, they just were not making a lot of noise.
I tried to taunt them with the bucket at one point.
[00:04:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:04:42] Speaker A: Broadcast. I got a subtle reaction. Yeah.
[00:04:45] Speaker C: I mean, there was. You could hear on the stream that people were cheering when you said the bucket.
[00:04:49] Speaker A: Okay. I'm happy that went through because we. I never know up there casting. We don't know what, like, the audience in Twitch is hearing. So sometimes people will shout from the audience and you're like, I don't know if I can reference that because I don't know if anybody heard it, but happy at least that one went through. Yeah, the crowd was a little tame.
And also, I think opening a weekend in general viewership was a little tame too. As let's hop into global news. That sounded like the first thing on the agenda. I know Mark Z. Tweeted about it. That they're going to compile all the data from all the coast streams and just like they did last year, they're going to be very transparent and communicative about what viewership is like and what the metrics and goals are. But first impressions looking kind of low. Miselle, were you like paying attention at all to like the number on whatever you were watching on?
[00:05:41] Speaker B: Yeah, it was a little. I mean the thing is all. All the viewerships are pretty low. Like LCK has not been super high. It's been a little bit higher. Like LEC has been cagedrel dominated. I mean they're like main broadcasting was getting up to like 50k or something along those lines. At least on Twitch. Twitch. Twitch. Twitch, yeah.
[00:06:04] Speaker C: LTA south side actually peaked higher, but had average, lower average than I did.
[00:06:11] Speaker A: See that there was someone. I think it's like esport charts or something that the posts about the viewership and yeah, I think everything's a little down. LCK is still doing good across all platforms because Twitch. Is it Twitch still banned there? I actually don't even know. I don't remember. I know it was for a period.
[00:06:27] Speaker C: There are a lot of like restrictions. I think you can watch it but like they can't actually sub and stuff because I remember. Oh, I forgot her name. The interviewer, I'm blanking, I think was the one who couldn't sub and so she was asking for subs in Twitch.
She was like actually unable to do that on open day.
[00:06:47] Speaker A: Well, I saw that LCK was like a million across all platforms. That's including all co streamers too. LEC was like 500k. That's including all platforms and all CO streamers, which there's a lot of European co streamers.
The LTAS was like, yeah, I think it did peak higher. This is all like peaks across all the platforms. But the. The peak for LTA north was kind of at the bottom. It was still over a hundred thousand. But for opening weekend. That's rough. And I think it just kind of echoes how difficult this rebrand has been. It wasn't a rebrand that people were like really excited about, nor was it one that was very well marketed.
Not to go too hard on. On the. The team as. And you know, now that I'm on it. But I think that these are honest things to say that like things more could have been done to actually like build up a ramp into the new season starting because I Plenty of my friends, like my friends from Minnesota that came to visit, they were like, yeah, we we didn't even know it changed LTA until you had to tell us that it did because we were looking for LCS tickets, could find them. Then we searched LTA tickets, couldn't find them. And we were like, how the hell do we get to this event? Like, when is this happening? What's the schedule?
[00:07:59] Speaker B: Oh, that reminds me what I was going to say about Kobe.
[00:08:02] Speaker A: Yeah, okay.
[00:08:03] Speaker B: Okay, okay. So the conversation I got, it was like secondhand conversation given me because I was going through David Shynock's tweets where he like talks about everything that happened in the. In the other podcast episode.
[00:08:16] Speaker A: We can say hotline league, it's fine. They're a competitor, but, you know, it's. It's fine.
[00:08:21] Speaker B: He. The people were commenting and saying, like, yeah, we. We honestly, like, don't even feel that sad about LTA because it felt like LCS got like a proper send off or like a proper ending. And that just, like, was like nails on a chalkboard to me because my fandom and LCS is like, I never got closure and people are talking about closure with lcs. I never got clo. I loved the lcs. And like, they. They. I don't know. I don't think they ever did it justice on ending it.
[00:08:50] Speaker A: I don't think they did either.
[00:08:52] Speaker C: No.
[00:08:52] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:08:53] Speaker B: I was so taken aback that people actually feel like there are people out there that were like, yeah, that was, you know, that was a really good end of the lcs. And I mean, the end was great. That. That was like the most fitting end the LCS could have ever got.
[00:09:06] Speaker A: Minions ended.
[00:09:06] Speaker C: The LC that was freaking teal doing all the work.
[00:09:10] Speaker B: Like, the. The phrase was specific. Riot did a good job of sending off the lc. I'm like, no, there's no way.
[00:09:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I disagree with that statement as well. First off, it was in the YouTube theater, like the smallest arena that they've ever had in the first.
[00:09:23] Speaker B: I mean, it was cool, though. It was. It was nice. I. I did like being there.
[00:09:27] Speaker A: But second of all, there was. It wasn't communicated that that was the last lcs.
[00:09:32] Speaker B: Yeah. Because they weren't. Because even teams, like, that's what. And knowing a little bit behind the scenes and I guess maybe being able to talk about it now, but, like, the teams did know, like, the teams were all ready to start their branding for the next season and things like that. But lca, like, the producers of LCS specifically were telling teams, and the team, I know got this specifically because I saw the message was C9 that they should not say anything about the end of LCS because the next thing is not like, ready yet.
[00:10:04] Speaker A: That sucks.
[00:10:05] Speaker B: And it's just like, man, the teams can't even start to try to prepare.
[00:10:10] Speaker A: And that's just. Yeah, that is. We've talked about that in the past already. But to relate it back, like the statement that it was a good send off. I do a disagree with you, but, you know, it is in the past. LTA north is here and driving viewership. I went.
[00:10:27] Speaker B: I don't know.
[00:10:28] Speaker A: Viewership wasn't that high. But I think in general it. It still is A. A refresh can be a good thing if it's done well. And now it's on our sides of the team to. To do better with. With the rest of the weeks ahead of us. So, yeah, of. Oh, we're here and here's this cool new, exciting thing. We just kind of started the show like normal. So what I hope that we do when the Brazilian part of the tournament happens is that we do really lean into. This is the cool new stuff that we got going on.
[00:10:55] Speaker C: I'm just saying. I voted for Kangas. You'll make America's great again.
[00:10:59] Speaker A: Okay, okay. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
You're gonna have a cabinet position.
I'll push you through the courts.
[00:11:08] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't know.
[00:11:10] Speaker B: This is getting more.
[00:11:12] Speaker C: I don't. I don't even need the official position. I just need official league rundown merch.
[00:11:16] Speaker A: Well, okay. League run on merch or.
Okay, that. That was smooth. Actually, I would not even say what I was gonna say. That was smooth. I'll pay you in hats and mouse pads just like the old esports.
All right. Other global news, though, because we do have an episode ahead of us still. Man, the banter's been S tier so far though, to start this one up, roster news. T1 Guma Yushi is dead.
Is this true?
[00:11:42] Speaker B: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
That's what the T1. That's what the T1 fans are thinking.
[00:11:48] Speaker A: But, you know, well, based on the response, I imagine that's what had to have happened, right?
[00:11:53] Speaker C: Well, no, no, let's. Let's smash that rumor. Dead.
[00:11:56] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:11:56] Speaker C: Right from the start because it's not the first time Coma's done this and I think he's just giving Smash some time to start things out. I don't think it's like a guma issue necessarily, but Kuma's done this before with I think specifically the pre season LCK tournament.
[00:12:10] Speaker A: He's mentioned faker before.
[00:12:12] Speaker B: I'm pretty sure they met, they posted or something about it, saying that they were looking to get him rest.
[00:12:18] Speaker A: Yeah. And also I think it's pretty well understood that the LCK is not taking this first split seriously. It is fearless and they're like this. We're just gonna. We're still focused on Worlds and like MSI to an extent. But like, I don't think that they care if they do well in this first split. It really is kind of an exhibition split for them.
[00:12:39] Speaker C: Actually, this came up in the LTA south side because we were talking about like back to back champions and stuff. Does this first split even count?
[00:12:48] Speaker A: Technically, yes.
Yes, it was.
[00:12:51] Speaker B: I mean, technically it counts in the fact that if you win the split, you get to go to an international and get more experience.
[00:12:57] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:12:58] Speaker C: Like, especially for lta.
[00:12:59] Speaker A: Right?
[00:12:59] Speaker C: Like there's no All Star, no All pros. The split within your own region, there's a chance that like, I mean, if LTA north wins, then there's no LTA south winner.
[00:13:08] Speaker A: Right.
[00:13:08] Speaker C: And. Or vice versa. If LTA south wins, there's no LTA north winner.
[00:13:11] Speaker B: I just can't believe out of 16 teams, one, like one team from each region is the good.
[00:13:16] Speaker A: Wait, that's a good point. We're as big as the lpl. Holy shit. Our region's cracked.
[00:13:21] Speaker B: True.
[00:13:21] Speaker A: Great.
That's awesome.
Speaking of LPL updates, Mazel. Any fun stories happening? Because again, shout out to you and the team at lpl Underscore English. Go give them support if you can. Everybody on twitch or, or YouTube or wherever. @ least just follow their interviews.
[00:13:39] Speaker B: Yeah, you got released a rookie interview. It's a deal. So please, please go support it. No, there's been some really fun stuff. I mean all the likely candidates are winning right now. So we, if anybody remembers it is a single round robin, best of five fearless. Top two of each group. There are four groups get out into the next. The other two teams are out until spring. We already have some locked teams. So in group A, anyone's legend is locked in with zero win. They have been probably looking the most dominant out of any team in the LPL so far. Weibo and JDG are the teams that have made it out of group B. So likely candidates to make it out of that one. Group C, it's Billy. Billy and Thunder Talk Gaming. LNG got upset by Thunder Talk Gaming in their first series. They played wow. Now Thunder Talk is the team that is moving forward. It's a team that's put up with a lot of kind of average to like a little Bit better than average players that that are combining to make some really good work and some new imports.
[00:14:43] Speaker A: Hell yeah.
[00:14:44] Speaker B: Group D is still completely up in the air because they've had less games. But also nip beat ig the super team with rookie the shy all because of doing B coming back and just running amok in the best of five. It was a banger series.
[00:15:05] Speaker A: What did he play in the mid la? Did he play Malphite?
[00:15:08] Speaker B: No, no. We were getting mostly. Mostly like traditional stuff.
[00:15:12] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:15:13] Speaker B: He did play Akali in game one. Didn't do too great. But you know he. He had a lot of fun.
No, but he actually was a massive difference maker. And we also got the classic like Dune be standing up cheering at the end like he was the most ecstatic person for winning that game. It was really fun. So go, go watch that one for sure.
IG did end up finding a win though against RNG in their last series of the week because now we're on Lunar New Year break for two weeks. Oh, it's a little bit of a long break. Happens every time in lpl. We always have Lunar New Year break. It's a little bit rough, but it happens. But when we come back, there's gonna be a lot of games and we'll be tying up group stage and going on to playoffs. So it'll be a lot of.
[00:16:01] Speaker C: I just realized I have brought this honor upon my family. Today is the actual Lunar New Year day.
[00:16:05] Speaker B: It is. It is the actual Lunar New Year.
[00:16:07] Speaker C: Yeah. So happy Lunar New Year to all of you who celebrate.
[00:16:09] Speaker A: Happy Lunar New Year everybody. As you will be hearing this probably after. I would imagine I was gonna get to that tonight. Who knows.
Okay, cool. LPL update in the books, but we have also I. I gotta come up with a fun name for you because we have Mr. Mizelpl but random minion caster RMC is actually doing an unofficial English broadcast of the LTA South. So shout out to that first off, plug it for anybody who wants to take a look and then let us know what first weekend of LTS looked like in SparkNotes.
[00:16:41] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. It's over at Twitch TV. LTA South. Yep, we took the LTA south name and we're going to cover all the games that don't get officially covered. So once the playoff starts, then we're going to switch to a more cold stream method rather than rebroadcasting over the official broadcast that hopefully, you know, maybe Kangas will be on that one. Yeah. And you can find us on twitter as well, twitter.com LTA_south for that one, so you can find us there. Yeah. So LTA south started just like LTA North. We are technically one big happy region now, and there were some interesting things.
So right off the bat, unlike the LTA north spoiler, we didn't too old.
[00:17:18] Speaker A: The entire weekend, really.
[00:17:22] Speaker C: Yeah, we actually got 11 out of a possible 12 games, so that was pretty fun. The one series that didn't go the full distance, we got the first Pentakill ever of the lta.
[00:17:33] Speaker A: Hell yeah. The south takes it before the North.
[00:17:37] Speaker C: It was literally the last match of the weekend. As the game was ending, they went for the fountain dive to secure the Pentakill and it was Mr. Bot Gap himself, Bruncy, who secured it. So he's going down history. That's good for him.
[00:17:49] Speaker A: That's cool.
[00:17:51] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:17:52] Speaker A: Yeah. I have already pitched to LTA north that we should give honor to him and then start a rivalry of which region gets more Pentakills and who's gonna be the first NA player to get a or first LTA end player to get a Pentakill. But I don't know if they're gonna run with it because I'm not gonna be on show this weekend, so I can't force it to happen on broadcast.
[00:18:11] Speaker C: That's right. You know what, we should, like, watch, like, which region can rack up more kills too. That'd be funny.
[00:18:15] Speaker A: Oh, that'd be fun.
[00:18:16] Speaker C: I extension more deaths.
[00:18:17] Speaker A: Does anybody in either conference get more deaths than Hilla? Saying, that'd be fun.
[00:18:24] Speaker C: What is Hillside even up to?
[00:18:26] Speaker A: Actually, he's at 31, I believe it's a lot.
[00:18:29] Speaker C: 31. Okay. Yeah, that would be interesting. Well, we have to do average, I guess, because we might have more or less games, depending on True.
[00:18:38] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:18:39] Speaker C: Yeah. But other than that, the two LA teams actually did really well. So right now our upper bracket has to LA into CB Law teams.
[00:18:45] Speaker A: Oh, cool.
[00:18:46] Speaker C: Yeah, always merging well with the CB Law side of things with Brazil, and there's a lot of trash talk going on, so that's going to be fun. Leviathan. I know Pain Gaming's Titan was trash talking SEO because they played at Worlds.
Titan beat him. But a lot of the podcasts and like, media in the south right now has been kind of praising the LLA teams quite a bit. So Titan's like, yeah, you know, I'm the one who went up against the faker. I'm the one who like, solo killed Guma or 2v2 Guma.
[00:19:13] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:19:15] Speaker C: So sayo sit down.
[00:19:16] Speaker A: Hell yeah, hell.
[00:19:18] Speaker C: And that's perfectly typical of Brazil, so love seeing it.
[00:19:21] Speaker A: Well, I'm happy that the LLA is doing well in the south because I think that's a pretty good transition to get us into the episode proper. They did not do too hot in the North. Before we get into that though and talk LTA North. A reminder, if we miss anything in global news or if there's anything that you want to share your thoughts on in regards to the lpl, LTA north or south lec, whatever, throw it up in the community Discord. You can find a link wherever you are listening. Also, shout out to anybody who supports us on the Patreon and the Merch Store.
We love the support and really helps us out to make sure that the audio on the episodes is stellar. So with that said, LTA north, we're going to kick things off here in North America where we had four best of three series. That's right. Our format's very different than the LEC. Le's got 10 teams. It's going to be a round robin three days across three weeks. LTA North a little different.
[00:20:15] Speaker B: We have formats all over the place, but any kind of game that you want to watch of League of Legends, throw a dart on the map and we'll find it.
[00:20:25] Speaker A: Yeah, we got a best of one threes and best of ones happening around the world at any time.
[00:20:30] Speaker B: Consistency in a pro league.
[00:20:33] Speaker A: Somebody should do best of sevens. It lck Best of seven for the first time.
[00:20:38] Speaker B: Best one and a half. It's a full game into an A Ram.
[00:20:42] Speaker A: No, a full game into a one v one. And whoever wins the first game just gets first pick for the one v one. That's it.
The one v one is what determines the series win.
All right. Well, we did have four actual series. Best of three. That happened in the LTA north because it's a bracket. If you lose twice, you are out. That's how a double elim bracket works. And that means that that is how we determine the top four teams that are going to Brazil in three weeks. Time to go compete against the top four teams from the South Conference to see who will go to first stand. I'll talk about the games and how they went up. First it was FlyQuest versus Shopify, Rebellions and Prediction. It was Badger and Bickle and myself on it. We all had two O's. We were all goddamn right.
[00:21:25] Speaker B: Rebellions. Plural.
[00:21:27] Speaker A: Did I say rebellions?
[00:21:28] Speaker B: You did.
[00:21:29] Speaker A: Sorry, I meant the wetters. They definitely wet the bed that time. Fly Quest also made them their pants. I don't know what I'm doing.
[00:21:37] Speaker B: They're looking really good.
[00:21:38] Speaker A: I'm really just like I'm taking myself deeper.
[00:21:40] Speaker B: I think Bipos postgame interview is really telling of like their kind of mindset, but also just kind of the lacking that there was on the other side of things. And obviously there's a lot still up in the air with with Shot Shopify, but I think there was obviously not a lot of prep done into that situation.
[00:22:00] Speaker C: And I'm gonna be honest, Sales would not have been able to save this once.
[00:22:03] Speaker A: No, Zazel.
[00:22:05] Speaker C: Zazel was not the problem in that series.
[00:22:07] Speaker B: Which is so sad because the man just keeps getting the short end of the stick and it makes me so sad.
[00:22:13] Speaker A: I. I will say I think that like if since we're starting with the Shopify Rebellion side just to kind of give my thoughts on how they did. Fudge was getting rocked a little in top lane. Had a couple of bad teleports as well. Just wasn't sure what he wanted to do on the map. And the team I think contracts is trying his best to set up plays. But I gotta say Bevoy man, like I just don't. When you watch his DPS and his decision making in team fights and what targets he's choosing to hit, it's like I have the benefit of. I VOD reviewed this game with Cubby on his stream because I just hopped on. He does his VOD reviews of all the. All the LTA north games on Mondays. So I was able to hop in and watch some of that with him. But we were just watching be in these fights and just be like what is he doing? Like why are you hitting this guy and not this guy? Like why are you positioned here, not here? It's just like these kind of clear issues with they needed poke to actually land on the specific targets when you go in that lethality Varys build and he just wasn't doing it. So that was at least the game one, Game two, it wasn't much better and that was even more of a stop. But I think to talk on the positive side though, FlyQuest looked really good like this. This team is scary RMC I just.
[00:23:27] Speaker C: Love because it's like the positive side. The first thought that popped my head. At least Shopify Rebellion had good jerseys and it was free shipping.
[00:23:32] Speaker A: You know, at least they lost a lot of money at each jersey sale. Hell yeah.
[00:23:40] Speaker C: They ship into Canada for. Well, I guess they are in Canada, so.
[00:23:43] Speaker A: Oh okay.
[00:23:43] Speaker C: It's Rare. Yeah.
[00:23:45] Speaker A: Did you get one? Is that what I'm hearing? It sounds like you got one.
[00:23:48] Speaker C: I actually, when. When they announced I went to buy the. The. The. They had this package with the. The pin and everything that sold out before I could even get it. It sold out in like 40 minutes, something like that. Wow. Yeah. So but after they actually reopened just the jerseys, so I bought a jersey. Yeah.
[00:24:04] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Hell yeah.
[00:24:06] Speaker C: But yeah, likewise.
[00:24:07] Speaker A: We got that.
Yeah. They. You're gonna be able to wear that jersey for maybe another week.
They crush and I gotta say, shout outs to Quad and Masu. You watch those team fights, it's the complete opposite of Shopify, where Shopify you're like, what are they doing? And then Flag was like, what are they doing? Like, holy shit. Just like we have Cassiopeia flanks. We have Masu walking up as Ash and just completely zoning out a Jack solo in fights. Like those two carries were fearless and just like the angles that they took fights was really, really satisfying and fun to watch.
There were a lot of really cool, unique fights that happened in that series and they were really fun if you're a Flyquest fan.
And also, yeah, Bwipo's Champool, I mean still is just gonna be the big thing for Fearless. We talked about that going into the split. We talked about that on the waiting room before the game started. But like FlyQuest arguably, do we think this is true? Do you both agree? FlyQuest is the team to beat in Fearless, like Champ pool wise, they just are the hardest to outdraft Draft.
[00:25:14] Speaker B: Absolutely. Yeah.
[00:25:15] Speaker C: I think Pickle and Bickle, me and you can. Were the ones who put Fly above to.
[00:25:19] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly like Bwipo and inspired Champ Pools alone. Like what the. You're not gonna be able to ban those out. And like Fearless doesn't like barely affects them.
I think Team Liquid's the other team that you could put up there, which is no surprise that a lot of people put those as the top two. But yeah, FlyQuest looking great out the gate. Any final thoughts though? Like anything that we don't think we didn't cover from this one. Mizel or rmc.
[00:25:45] Speaker B: I think Mid still like Mid Jungle still looks really, really good for FlyQuest. I would like to see a little bit cleaning up or a little bit more play towards Bot Lane and like see what they can do.
[00:25:57] Speaker A: Yeah, okay.
[00:25:58] Speaker C: Especially when you're up against a team like this where people doesn't need help. Yeah, I would like to see inspired kind of visit bot a little bit more. You can still Balance between bottom, mid, fairly well. I did think Whip was. Well, I mean, I know some people are not happy with this interview because they're saying that he's arrogant. I think he was right, frankly. And I thought his play.
[00:26:14] Speaker B: I think he was European.
[00:26:16] Speaker A: Very European. Yeah.
[00:26:17] Speaker C: But he was walking. He was walking the walk, not just talking to dog, so.
[00:26:20] Speaker B: Exactly.
[00:26:21] Speaker A: For. For anybody who didn't catch the interview, I believe he said something along the lines of like, four months break and this is what you were able to do? Like this. This is what you showed us.
[00:26:29] Speaker C: Yep.
[00:26:30] Speaker A: Yeah, that's pretty damning. Also, he called out before the games even started that they offered to stream scrims and seven out of eight teams declined. Or seven out of the seven teams around declined, them being the eighth team. But then Palafox like, had a rebuttal. Say, like they were never approached or like they said yes, I forgot exactly what it was. So there's a little drama there. But maybe we get streamed scrims at some point in the future. That'd be funny.
[00:26:54] Speaker C: Okay, can we take a quick division here? Do you all think stream scrims are actually worth it?
[00:26:59] Speaker A: I think as a novelty for like a day of the week, it could be fun or be like, all right, this is the last game of scrim day. We're gonna stream this one or just record it and then the VOD or something. I think that type of content could be cool. I'm not like a. Oh, all in on it. Like, oh, yes. Streaming scrims is just going to make everything better because that is. That really raises the pressure on, on players in a way that I don't think is going to be beneficial for them to improve.
[00:27:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Because I, I, when I heard it, I'm going to be honest, my gut instinct, which is like, oh, cool. But also, I don't see what this is going to do, like, at all.
[00:27:45] Speaker A: It's just a peek behind the curtain for the audience, which is cool for the audience, but I don't think that you need it to be all encompassing. I think like a limited scope version of it is what I would say. Yeah.
And. And try and get on board for. But I'm not, I wouldn't. I'm not on the side of like, yes, scream all the strims.
[00:28:02] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, really? Oh, okay.
[00:28:08] Speaker A: Well, burnt toast right now. All right.
[00:28:11] Speaker C: Okay, folks, this is North Coaster.
[00:28:14] Speaker A: Let's move on to the next series.
[00:28:16] Speaker B: Made for talking for a living.
[00:28:19] Speaker A: I do.
[00:28:19] Speaker C: For screaming about strims. Right.
[00:28:21] Speaker A: We thought good. We Talk Great lion vs C9 happened. LLA might have done well in the South. They did not look great in the north. Their support Lions having visa issues and having to play remote from Mexico City definitely did not help.
[00:28:37] Speaker C: I mean, I thought it was very loyal of them. Lions lost. Absolutely they did.
[00:28:42] Speaker A: I will also say that Audi Land. Okay, rmc. Wait, you weren't sure because you're. You cover Brazil. There was this whole thing of like, is it Odie or Audie? And then we were so sure it was Odie, but then it changed to Audi last second. So I'm just gonna say Audi Land because that's what we've officially been told on our end to say. So apologies if anybody was upset with me saying OD Land. All cast. That was a miscommunication that was not corrected in time.
But Audi Land, I think had a really rough showing from Lion's side, which is a bummer because this is like the LA guy that everyone was really excited about. Jose Dioto is another jungler that we've seen in the north do very well. And Audio Land was the one that was kind of compared to him of like, oh wait, this guy's better. He did not look better than Jose Deodo. And kind of everything around them was struggling. They played this like really Wombo combo comp for their first game, which was like Nocturne Oriana Rel Misfortune. Like full on Wombo combo. Like the comp doesn't do anything except for combo. And then they just never pulled off a combo. The closest one they got to Hannah, their AD carry was like walking the wrong way around Dragon Pit for the, for the follow up. So it was tough to see them go for that type of style. Game two was a very different look where it's more about picks, but. But both of the games just looked like they didn't have coordination. And they looked like a team that only scrimmed one day, which is what we had heard happened. They just only scrimmed one day because Saint made it to the States way too late.
[00:30:13] Speaker C: So yeah, didn't Saint and Henna only arrived like the night before or something?
[00:30:17] Speaker A: It was two nights before, but they only had one day to like practice. And instead of scrimming like every other team had, they were doing like 20 day solo queue mandated days where like, okay, just play 20 games of solo queue and like duo with anybody that you can.
And that was it. And it's like, that sucks. Like, and you watch the gameplay and you're like, yep, that's what that's what that looked like a team that was played in those conditions, so hopefully they're able to scale. But do we see any, like, bright spots at all? Like, anything to get excited about with Lion.
[00:30:50] Speaker C: I thought Hannah did decently. I mean. Yeah. Okay. The game one with the misfortune is kind of rough. Like, I understand why he ended up taking the long route sometimes and not alting appropriately. It's hard when your team's kind of a mess. But his game too, gives me some hope for him, I guess.
[00:31:05] Speaker A: I think that was the Varys game, I believe. I'm trying to remember what he played. Yeah, I, I agree that he was the standout performer for me. And also I think Saint did well enough in mid lane against Loki. He didn't have like crazy mid or late game impactful plays, but just like laning phase, it seems like he can hang. Okay.
[00:31:22] Speaker C: But here's the thing though, like, people were hyped on Loki for C9, but from what I'd heard in the off season, most people who followed LCK challenges were actually saying that Saint was the better.
[00:31:32] Speaker A: Exactly. Yeah.
[00:31:34] Speaker C: So if Saint like did okay into Loki, to me, that's not a good sign per se.
[00:31:39] Speaker A: Like, I'm not optimistic about that percent okay, Fair, fair. So you're gonna hold off the praise until you see, you know, a better showing from him where maybe, if anything.
[00:31:49] Speaker C: I praise Loki, I think for how he performed. Because coming to to that series, after watching that series, I felt like, oh, Loki is good. I see the hype, why there was hype around him. And if I didn't hear about like Saints and Loki and who is better than the LCK challengers, I'd have just assumed oh, C9 did better scouting and picked up a better mid laner.
[00:32:04] Speaker A: Yeah. At least if for game one, game two, the yone was a little rough. Yeah, he did like 7k damage and just wasn't really contributing much to the fights except for like ulting targets that were already about to die.
But the game one, I agree.
Yes, KDA was good and had he had the victory screen, which is the important part.
Well, I, I, that leads us to talk about Cloud 9. Then let's just kind of transition to that. Mizel, what were your first thoughts? First impression of this new version of Cloudine was then back in ad carry.
[00:32:39] Speaker B: And not super big fan. Some of the things that Thanatos was getting caught doing. But man, Sven and Vulcan looking good. And the hate energy is just radiating on these two guys. Man, he literally went, they did content with Sven literally answering all or like talking about all the questions on Speaker's stream, which I thought was absolutely hilarious. But like they actually played pretty damn good too. And I, I, I would like to see them tested a little bit more. I think Blabber still looks good, but we didn't get to see kind of the, the flashiness from him. But I would, I would like to see maybe more resources and more game decisions being rested on Loki's shoulders and see how, how he can.
[00:33:25] Speaker A: I also will say I got this feeling that Cloud 9 were playing slow. They, they weren't really pushing a lead, they were getting leads, they were getting incremental leads. And that's the praise for them, is that they controlled the game very well, but they were playing a controlled game. They weren't really playing like a up aggressive, we're gonna push you and push for mistakes and like really make you sweat type of game. It was like, no, we're gonna make you come to us because Dragon's up and we're just gonna take everything on Spawn fun and then go back to farming and like playing kind of passively. They were both relatively low kill count games until like mid game where then fights started breaking out. But early game wise it was just about, you know, get everything that we can on the map. So yeah, that's the only thing I can really hold against Cloud 9 is like, what are they going to look like against a faster team? Because lion didn't really do much against them and C and I didn't really have to do anything themselves to get the win. They just were like, okay, well they're just resetting when Harold spots. We're just gonna take free Harold. Oh, they just reset when third Dragon spawned. We'll just take free third dragon. So like there's just like mistiming stuff on Lion's side that C9 weren't contested for a lot of the game and that raises the questions of like, how are they going to look against a team that's willing to fight them for stuff and contest them for stuff.
[00:34:41] Speaker C: Yeah, I think that depends on whether this was a feature or a bug. Right? Like the way they played. Because sure, if you look at their compositions as well, they were fine to play itself. Their comps like game one they wanted to be engaged on and then counter engage and Game two they outscaled. So like if that was a mindful decision by them, good. But I agree with you guys. I'm a little bit concerned, like you could have turned the screws a bit harder and you didn't like, hey, I can't fault you for that necessarily. But it certainly doesn't excite me necessarily that.
[00:35:08] Speaker A: That's the point. It wasn't like exciting gameplay, like, oh, week one, C9 smash. It was like C9 just one and like lion kind of rolled over.
So I would have liked to. I would have been way more hype about them if it was like, oh, because of how bad lion we're playing. C9 just crushed them. But instead it was like, no, C9 just played bad and C9. Or sorry, lion played bad and C9 one because of it. And because, yes, they were also doing good things, but it wasn't like dominant. So we'll see what they look like going into the next week, though. That's day one. Fly Shopify, Lion, C9. Day two was 100 Thieves versus Disguise, the debut of Disguised in the LTA North Mazel. We were covering this team this or rather for the last year and a half. Here and now. Everybody gets to watch their gameplay. And not gonna lie, they didn't win. 100 Thieves did take the series, but I thought the DSG were doing a really good job of making them sweat. Like both of those games, there were moments that DSG actually had like a bit of an advantage, if not just a clear way to kind of move the game in their favor.
[00:36:14] Speaker C: Oh, Sniper sweating that much. Maybe he should have shaved his head.
[00:36:17] Speaker B: True.
[00:36:18] Speaker A: I'm so sad that that didn't happen. He did bet that he would shave his head. I had a sign that got on broadcast saying join me. I had.
If anyone caught it. My head was also bedazzled for the second series.
It was for that series, actually. That's when it got bedazzled. And the lady that works at Riot that bedazzled my head also drew a very well detailed head like, like sketch of Sniper bald. And that would have been fantastic to have shown, but it didn't really come to fruition. But anyway, dsg, I think that in particular Shout out to Xu, I think had a pretty good series.
And honestly, Castle, like Xu and Castle were really making 100 Thieves sweat.
But the similar to what I was saying with like bvoy, I feel like Scary Jerry in his debut. He just wasn't able to get much done. It was tough for him. He was constantly getting dove. Especially in that game. Do like a golly Xin Zhao and you have no peel for you.
But he also like watching back the tape. There were a couple moments where it's like, ah, I think that he's just playing very cautiously in his debut, and maybe he could have pushed the envelope a little more.
But 100 thief side, what do you think about that RMC? Any positives that you're really taking away from them?
[00:37:35] Speaker C: Well, I will say that when 100 Thieves opt Tomo for FBI, I felt bad for Tomo because, you know, like, Tomo did well for 100 Thieves, but watching this series, you can see why they did it. FBI was. Was dominant in these games. He just crushed it. And sure, you can say, you know, Scary Jerry was, like, playing a little bit scared in team fights and stuff like that, but it was just like laning as well. Scary Jerry was playing. I thought Scary Jerry Lane, fine, but FBI was just like. It just felt like he was in control the entire time. And that really showed when they were, like, skirmishing anywhere near the bot side where FBI could get into the fight. And props to Ayla as well, because, again, it's always a duo effort, right? Like, Ayla and FBI together just look really, really clean.
[00:38:12] Speaker B: Yeah, I think so. Getting to see Ayla actually in, like, a commanding position is super fun because I don't think he's had the best luck. And a lot of teams that he's been on also, maybe not some of the best play either, but it's. It's nice to see. I. I still think that, like, there was some workable things for dsg and it was nice to see the brand and stuff. I wish the. The fans of DSG would cheer a little louder. You know, something build up the arena. Not naming any names. Yeah, but all out Pokimane. I know, bro. I know.
No, but it was fun to see this kind of matchup first. It does suck that it wasn't a little bit closer, but I. I think Abadake really kind of shat the bed for me in a lot of ways, and I think that made it to where Xu and. Well, also, I don't want to flame too hard, but Castles play on Rumble behind the Baron. Like, the wall in front of Baron Pit. That was probably one of the worst decisions I've ever seen in professional League of Leg movies I've ever watched in my entire life.
It literally lost in that game. I think Scary Jerry that's in that game was actually in a good place on the Jinx, even though he wasn't super Fed. But Xu and Scary Jerry were like, the big standouts for me, for them, at least. But I think for 100 thieves, like, the whole team kind of functioning together was really Cool.
[00:39:33] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:39:33] Speaker C: But for Abadake, was that him crapping the bid or quit beating the literal crap out of him?
[00:39:39] Speaker B: Porque no los dos. I don't know, bro was like, dude, he was lauded coming over like, oh, man, we got. We got Abu Dage back at N A. It's gonna be great.
[00:39:53] Speaker A: I'm pretty sure I only saw the DSG team themselves say that. Everybody else has been like, what the spam Q question mark. Why is Avadagi.
[00:40:02] Speaker C: No, the Shopify wanted Avadage, didn't they? What, am I mixing up with somebody else?
[00:40:09] Speaker A: Wait, I didn't hear about that. No, they wanted Jojo. I know. Shopify was looking.
[00:40:13] Speaker C: Yeah. And then there and Niski.
[00:40:15] Speaker A: Those are the two.
[00:40:16] Speaker B: Maybe I make streaming World of Warcraft now.
[00:40:20] Speaker A: Amazing. That's great.
Well, yeah, 100 thieves did take this one. I think this was one of the, if not the closest series of the weekend. They were all two O's. Surprise, surprise. It was in the title of the episode.
[00:40:32] Speaker B: It was like close to the matter of speaking.
[00:40:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Just because I felt like there were moments where DSG actually had avenues into the game. So. So.
[00:40:40] Speaker B: And then, and then, and then Castle learned of the pivotal role in American football called punting.
[00:40:48] Speaker A: Okay. Well, again, his Jake.
[00:40:52] Speaker B: That was a little mean, but it was so good.
[00:40:55] Speaker A: I liked it. I liked it. Yeah.
And he unfortunately did not make it between the field goals. I don't. Is that punting is.
[00:41:03] Speaker B: No, that's not punting, but that's okay.
[00:41:05] Speaker A: That's key taking.
[00:41:06] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:41:07] Speaker A: The one a few moments, you actually foot the ball.
[00:41:12] Speaker B: Next year, send the ball downfield. So, you know.
[00:41:15] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Team Liquid versus Dig though the final series of LTA north for the weekend.
[00:41:22] Speaker B: My bro 30.
[00:41:24] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, man.
[00:41:26] Speaker B: He was. He was. He was looking good, bro.
[00:41:29] Speaker A: Like level one Rumble game one. Level one. He has to flash because they're lane swapping on his ass. And then survives under turret. Has the sport come up, keeps him alive and then comes back to almost carry the freaking game. Like, holy. His will to survive and win was immaculate.
[00:41:56] Speaker B: I just really appreciated that they gave him something like he. I. One of literally the last interviews I ever did with with him was, they won't give me rumble because they know I'm too good at it. And he always would talk about being one of the best Rumbles in na and I think that it's so cool to see a team actually give their player that they're hyping up the. The sticks in, so to speak. Even though they didn't Win, but, like, give him something comfort. Give him something you know he's going to do good on, even if, you know the early game's going bad. I really appreciated the respect that Serdy was giving to the enemy, but as well as, like, the way he played that matchup in a lot of cases. Cases. So it was really nice to see. I don't know that there's much more to say about the rest of the team, but, you know, there was some good moments.
[00:42:38] Speaker A: Yeah. I think Lira was showing the rust of not playing competitively.
[00:42:45] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:42:45] Speaker A: Like, Dignitas was behind the play by a solid 10 to 15 seconds consistently the entire series. Like, you could just tell Team Liquid is ready. Dignitas is not ready. Where's Lyra era? Oh, he's gonna take him 10 seconds to get there.
[00:42:58] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:43:00] Speaker A: And then, like, even though the way that the series ended, like, sending it all for a renekton when Baron's up and then like, pulling off of the redacting kill and instead going to the Baron, but, like, there's no way you're gonna make it. At times, like, just inconsistencies in the calls and commitment to plays was really tough to watch.
But I think that we. I saw a spark out of Dignitas.
[00:43:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:43:21] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:43:22] Speaker C: And I think despite all of that, like, we have to look at who they're playing against. Right. Like, Team Liquid. I actually thought that out of all the losing teams, I think didn't Itas put up the biggest fight of the whole bunch of them?
Which, yeah, honestly wasn't my expectation coming into the split, but I think they did pretty well considering the matchup they had.
[00:43:42] Speaker B: I appreciate some of the looks and I appreciated how long it took for Team Liquid to finish that first game when there was literally like the post from Team Liquid showing the. That, like, Spawn was telling the guys that we need to win this game fast. Like, we're going fast. We're the fastest team. Like, we want to do this thing. And then they had to, like, slow down super heavily to finish the game. I know it's like, literally like participation trophies in the grand scheme of things, but I think any kind of spark or any kind of look that you can see from some of these teams that maybe we aren't expecting as much of because of some of those roster issues. It makes me happy in some extent. But I think Team Liquid, I'm feeling pretty good putting them in my first place of the power rankings. I don't know.
[00:44:24] Speaker A: Great.
[00:44:25] Speaker C: They didn't get the fastest game.
[00:44:26] Speaker B: They didn't they didn't. But the draft and the execution was damn good, and I really appreciate that.
[00:44:32] Speaker A: That Game two draft, the Pantheon support was a treat. I love that champion. One of my favorite champions to play in the game. Corey JJ Piloting that one and actually having kind of a rough laning phase, but we'll get that first. Yeah, he made up for the draft itself. They had like, Pantheon, Talia, Corky, I want to say. And it's like, you don't know where those are going in the first three picks. Pantheon can go jungle support. Talia can go jungle mid or theoretically bot lane with Pantheon support. We've seen that historically. Corki can go mid or bot lane. So it's like, what's happening? Like, we don't actually know. And I think the team look did a really good job of playing around with that, which is really cool.
[00:45:13] Speaker C: Sorry, guys, quick question. How do we feel about clickbaiting the Patreon during the podcast?
[00:45:18] Speaker A: Oh, do it, please.
[00:45:19] Speaker C: Okay. And you want to know how Kangas got the Pantheon pick to come through for Team Liquid?
[00:45:27] Speaker A: Yep. Confirmed.
[00:45:28] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:45:28] Speaker C: Disclaimer. That was clickbait, guys.
[00:45:31] Speaker B: We did discuss it, but I think something that I'm a little afraid of and not as much I think, maybe with you in the room, but maybe still. I think that with all the hype around Masu, but not only that, but like, like this series, the biggest sore spot I feel like was Jungle and umpty.
He was the one that was giving the.
[00:45:57] Speaker A: The looks to dig, to actually come back.
[00:45:59] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. I think Yan Loki had one of the most restrained but lethal ruthless series I've seen from this guy. And I think he's gonna have a hell of a year. And I am a little worried that his story is going to be overshadowed because I think, think like he can pop off in the big moments, but the fact that he's like, actually in a crucial part to Team Liquid successes now and the way that he carries himself, I think. Ah, God, I. I love Jan and I'm so excited for his 2025.
[00:46:28] Speaker C: Yeah, his game won Draven. Like, I. I watched a lot of German games in Brazil, dude.
[00:46:32] Speaker B: His flash forward. Oh, yeah.
That I missed like last year. I feel like we weren't getting that as much from Jan. We were in some cases. Right. But like, that's the yawn. I know from NaCl. Right? That's the yawn that, like, was feeling aggressive and flashing in 2v2s in lane. Things like that. Like, that's just so awesome.
[00:46:51] Speaker A: Yeah, good Stuff from Team Liquid, good stuff from the bot lane and they had to work for the wins, but they got them all the same. Which means that we have two T or four teams that are two zero in their series. Four teams that are oh and two. And that'll bring us into our predictions for next week. To wrap up LTA north, we have the bottom teams facing each other first on Saturday and then top teams facing each other on Sunday. So the first two series will be lion versus Shopify Rebellion and then Dig versus Disguised for Shopify Rebellion versus Lion. We all have Shopify Rebellion taking the series. RMC has it 2 0. Me and Mizell have it. No, Bickle. Oh, Bickle has Lion 2 1. Good point. Bickle did put in his predictions.
RMC. Why, why do you think it's definitive? Shopify rebellion with the 2 0?
[00:47:36] Speaker C: Because I love B Boy. But no, also, okay, okay. Also, I, I, I think contracts didn't look terrible and if Audi can't fix himself, I think that's going to be a massive issue. I think Saint and Henna, like maybe I'm a bit too down on Saint to be honest, but his performance against Loki, I don't know. Pilot Fox is a bit of a coin flip. I think it will be too old either way. I'm just falling on the shot inside because I believe in B Boy. But I think if, if lion wins, it's going to be a deal there and it's going to be shot by falling apart or it's going to be shot by winning because Lionfall the most part.
[00:48:08] Speaker A: Okay, interesting. So you think it's. Yeah. One team's gonna fall apart, the other team's gonna benefit from it.
[00:48:13] Speaker C: Yeah, those, these two teams are really unstable and both of them are having yeah. Kind of Visa esque issues. I mean Lions is still able to play at least, but he's playing with high ping even though he wasn't the issue.
[00:48:23] Speaker B: But we did hear that Shaden's back right.
On the other side of these are the issues.
[00:48:31] Speaker A: I have not heard that definitively yet.
[00:48:33] Speaker B: Is, is that it was on Sheep. It was posted by Sheep Cheap.
[00:48:37] Speaker A: Oh, okay, cool. Well, if that is the case, I think that could be a boon. But that would be for, that would.
[00:48:45] Speaker B: Be for next, next week.
[00:48:47] Speaker A: Yeah. For, for the, the next series. Yeah. Digging Toss dsg.
[00:48:51] Speaker C: Yep.
[00:48:52] Speaker A: Yeah. But for Lion, Shopify Rebellion. Yeah. I still think Shopping Rebellion just showed a little bit more gumption, as Mizel likes to put it, specifically from Contracts. But let's talk about that next series because you're mentioning Shade and if he is in Dignitas versus disguise, I think that news for Dig who I do have taken the series alongside everybody else on the cast. RMC with a two zero. Me and Mizel with two ones.
[00:49:16] Speaker C: Wow.
[00:49:16] Speaker A: Mizell, did we. Oh, no, we didn't put all.
[00:49:18] Speaker C: What's with all these 2:1 guys?
[00:49:21] Speaker B: How I'm going off memes here. RMC. All right, we're going off of what can be the best, funniest start to LTA's legacy and it's going to be, you know, the back and forth. We get the 20 weekend into the 21 weekend weekend.
[00:49:36] Speaker A: Yeah, that would be funny.
[00:49:37] Speaker C: I'm all inning for the two zeros. Like the. The biggest gap ever of all the regions is gonna be two every week.
[00:49:42] Speaker A: You're on the other end of the spectrum. All right, well, this one, I. I think that Dignitas again, off of Surdy in particular showed a lot of strength. But Castle, if he does get fed, can be a threat. So Ser, if you can just hold the line, I think he'll be better in the mid to late games because he's making a less of of those egregious mistakes. Although he did have a couple of mistakes. I think it's important to highlight that from Serde. He did he play top Lane was wrong. He had a misplay with his Aurora as well. Going between worlds incorrectly in a crucial fight as well. But I still think. I still think he's got the stuff and he can take down. So.
But that'll be fun because it's also Scary Jerry versus Serdy.
[00:50:27] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:50:28] Speaker A: And those two, I think it's tamed down a little bit. But I know that Serdy for a while didn't really have a super high impression of Scary Jerry. I think he's just trying to flame yes now.
But yeah, that'll be fun to see who's able to get the better of each other there. Next up on Sunday, these are the fun matches from the top teams. I think the bottom patch is still gonna be fun, but the top ones are going to be where we actually see who is looking like the best in the LTA North. 100 teams versus Team Liquid to start things off. Almost two O's across the board except for Mazel. Sticking with the 2:1 train. How does 100 Thieves get a win? Tell. Tell it to me.
[00:51:05] Speaker B: Wait. Ah, they're good. Wait. When's the next patch come out?
Crap. I think it's gonna be alive. No, I was gonna say he plays Tank Jason wins the game.
He actually has a good game on Cassante and wins the game for them.
[00:51:22] Speaker A: Okay, so off of a cassante pick, 100 Thieves sniper will take the series win against Impact. Or rather sorry, the game win. Series win.
[00:51:30] Speaker B: So yeah, yeah, one game. One game.
[00:51:31] Speaker A: Yeah, one game.
[00:51:32] Speaker C: Okay. The way I. I figured they'd win is have you guys seen Ocean's 14?
[00:51:37] Speaker A: No.
[00:51:38] Speaker B: No, no.
[00:51:39] Speaker C: Because the script isn't out yet. They're going to write the script and that will be Ocean Source.
[00:51:42] Speaker A: Ah, the heist of the century. I like it. Fly Quest vs C9 is the next one to close out the week. And it is Fly Quest two zero for myself. Two zero for RMC Mazzelle. Sticking with that two one, baby. Well, Missile, I have to ask you the same thing. How does C9 get a win? A game win? You have to.
[00:52:02] Speaker B: Well, what do you mean?
They're both good teams. How is this one, this one sided? Like there's no way it's this one sided. Now y'all are the ones memeing by saying you're only gonna get two. Two zeros.
[00:52:14] Speaker A: Okay, okay. You know what? If you flip like script, I'll answer.
[00:52:17] Speaker B: A really good series. I don't understand how it could be 2 0. Like I feel like yes, there were some lackings from C9, but I. I still do think like Sven and Vulcan look damn good.
[00:52:28] Speaker A: Sure. But they're against Masubusio.
[00:52:30] Speaker B: And also who also didn't have as many resources and didn't look as great.
[00:52:35] Speaker A: But you know who looked banger is Quad. And I think that Quad is gonna bend Loki over.
[00:52:39] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:40] Speaker A: Come back.
[00:52:41] Speaker B: But it's one game. They can win.
[00:52:45] Speaker A: They could. They could.
I'm not confident though. I do still think too it's possible.
[00:52:52] Speaker C: But the balance of probability, I don't know.
[00:52:56] Speaker A: I mean it is entirely possible C9 win the series too. I just don't think it's likely. I don't think it's likely.
Okay, cool. Well, that is lta north for week one review. Week two preview.
What was everyone's favorite series though from. From the past weekend? If we had to recommend one, what would you recommend? Somebody go check. Check out.
[00:53:16] Speaker B: I mean, I'm gonna be biased in.
[00:53:18] Speaker A: This, so you're gonna be biased. Oh, you're just gonna give an LPL one.
[00:53:23] Speaker B: No, I would say the dig series.
[00:53:27] Speaker A: Hell yeah. I agree. Debut team Liquid Dig. 30s debut. You get to hear me casting with a Zale. So if that's a plus for you, cool.
But also I think that that was one of the more entertaining series as well. Well rmc, for story reasons I'm going.
[00:53:45] Speaker C: To pitch a different one just so that we have an alternative. 100 Thieves versus Disguise was actually really funny. Not for the gameplay but the stuff that happened around it. The bet that Sniper had and the fact that Xu actually managed to tilt Sniper enough in all chat.
[00:53:59] Speaker A: That was great. Yeah, that was greater.
[00:54:03] Speaker C: Said in the post game interview that he got killed 3 times. Something like that. Cuz XY kept chatting got him and.
[00:54:08] Speaker B: Got in his head.
[00:54:10] Speaker A: Fun stuff.
[00:54:12] Speaker B: Our players are growing.
[00:54:14] Speaker A: The pros episode was great as well. So yeah, the pros episode was really good content everybody. But that's it for LTA North. It's time to hop across the pond and talk lec. We are still in the regular season which means that we will still continue our more spark notes approach to the coverage here. Because there's so many games that happen in LEC. 15 in total. It's a lot to get through. So what we're going to do is talk about the teams at the top and see how they're doing. And then once we get into the playoffs, do a little more deep dive into some of them. But we have a tie at top actually right now in the lec there are three teams that had three zero weekends and all three of those teams are now tied for first. It's going to be a dash in the final week to see who's taking that first seed going into playoffs. And up first is Fnatic. They had rogue G2 and BDS this week. And yeah, the El classic Fnatic versus G2 was wild. It's one of my games to watch. I recommend checking it out. Obviously G2 fanatics always gonna be fun. But especially if you hate good Atticon setups, this is a really good one because G2. Oh my God, did they throw that oticon setup?
[00:55:27] Speaker B: But now It's Fnatic, dude.
[00:55:29] Speaker A: G2 just loses their games off of Otacon. That's how they've lost both of them so far. Far. And even the games that they win, it doesn't look like they're like they're not giving me a confidence that they are comfortable on the new map. I think gg, they're running out of steam. Warm up maybe. Maybe running out of steam. Obviously the roll swap or the. The roster swaps are gonna make things different for them. But this is a little concerning.
[00:55:54] Speaker C: I feel like this is typical G2 though. We literally said this in the preseason episode, right? Like the G2 is a little bit slow, and they do tend to screw or, like, screw up in the regular.
[00:56:02] Speaker A: Earlier in the years. Yeah, true.
[00:56:04] Speaker C: So I feel like this is very G2, but it is also very weird that they're not a top three team right now.
[00:56:10] Speaker A: That is. That is. I will also say that for. For the G2 game that happened. Holy crap. Was it just who can kill the opponent, top lane or more. Oscar Renan died so many freaking times, and it just didn't matter. At the end of the day, they were like, no, the rest of the. The team's getting fed and gonna carry anyway, Oscar, and you're fine. Don't worry about it, buddy.
[00:56:32] Speaker C: That happened. And Broken blade still didn't even hit 200 CS that game. I think he ended, like 198 or 199. I just remember, like, he did make 200.
[00:56:39] Speaker A: That's. That's wild. Oh, also, shout out to the Fnatic BDS game. I also put that as one of the games to watch. If you like to ask the question, what the is going on? Because I asked myself that question multiple times during that game.
[00:56:52] Speaker C: Fanatic is good about that. Kangas.
[00:56:56] Speaker A: Dude. I don't want to talk about it.
[00:56:59] Speaker C: Well, watch it and you'll figure out.
[00:57:00] Speaker A: Why I said, yeah, that's why. It's one of the games to watch. You know, we'll say that. I don't want to spoil it for you.
[00:57:06] Speaker B: That's what we'll say.
[00:57:07] Speaker A: It broke my brain a little bit a couple times. So Fnatic, great week overall, though. You know who also had a great week? RMC Casey, the boys. The lads with Kist. They had also a 3. 0 weekend. Let's go. Yeah.
[00:57:23] Speaker C: Kalist. I mean, after this weekend, everybody's, like, saying, like, okay, this is why everybody is hyped on him. This is why, like, said, he's the Knicks coming up. Like, he's the. The AD Carry to come in. And understandable. I mean, again, if you play Draven, I'm happy. Like, he got to play Draven, and he stomped on it twice this weekend, too, I think. Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Monday.
[00:57:42] Speaker A: That sounds.
[00:57:44] Speaker C: Yeah. And I was just really happy. One of the Draven games was, like, deathless, and he just absolutely ran over. That was the Rogue one. Yeah. I want to see more of that. I feel like, as AD carries, if you have the confidence to be, like, pulling out Draven in the current meta, which, by the way, it's not like it's even terrible in the car. Meta but like it requires confidence for you to play with how small bowling things are. And if your ad carry can play it and win, I think that's a really good sign for your team.
[00:58:07] Speaker A: Yeah.
Callisto currently still the leader in KDA. It's no longer the insane like 30 or whatever that he had because he only died once in opening weekend, but it is 14.2. He's only died five times across six games.
That's insane. Like what the dude? Oh yeah. I think Casey, the argument that they had a very easy strength to schedule it was SK Rogue Team Heretics. Who the bottom three teams. SK Rogue Team Heretics. Those three suck right now. So yes, it was a very easy week for Casey, but this is exactly what he wants to see from a team that has an easy week. Crush them quick and look good doing it. So.
[00:58:47] Speaker C: And to be fair, they got a really rough schedule in week one, so it kind of makes up for their rough, right?
[00:58:51] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And we'll talk about their schedule going into week three later. But yeah, final thoughts.
Call this good?
[00:59:00] Speaker B: Yeah, it's pretty good. I was really happy to see it. I think being able to have kind of storylines built like that and continue like and it get backed up is always super huge, especially from like a broadcaster standpoint. There's a lot of times that you want a story to sound really good or like actually have some backing to it and it never does does. So it's nice to. To have like somebody to latch on to for a lot of the. The European fans.
[00:59:26] Speaker A: Yeah. I also think that Vladi is doing exceptionally well in the mid lane too. So shout out to vladi who's currently third nuts third in overall kills and that's behind 280 carries. I think it's like upset and super if I remember correct. But for a mid lane that's. That's pretty cool.
[00:59:47] Speaker C: Yeah, well he doesn't play Draven, so I mean.
[00:59:50] Speaker A: Ah, yeah, good point, good point.
[00:59:51] Speaker C: Might have gone 161 and 16 over the on Victor specifically this last weekend, but still didn't play Draven. So.
[01:00:01] Speaker A: Also up we have the lad from NA playing in EU Misselle talking to me about Koi because they also had a three a week.
[01:00:10] Speaker B: They did actually had some pretty banger games.
I was really proud to see him actually have some decent performances. I think the yone maybe can stay out of that conversation, but it's like a sandwich, but at the middle is just crap. And then you get the really like you have really good bread.
[01:00:34] Speaker A: Jojo is like, like A crap sandwich like sourdough bread.
[01:00:38] Speaker B: Really beautifully crafted sourdough bread that took like years to to make in na and then they flew it to EU something along.
[01:00:48] Speaker C: So French food, they gave us Italian food and we gave them a crab sandwich.
[01:00:54] Speaker B: I think a lot of the matchups that, that Jojo was a part of this weekend actually ended up being bangers. I think him and him and Jackie's kind of going at it on the Talia collie was a lot of fun. That was one of the ones I actually did get to catch a little bit of. And Jojo on Talia, it's maybe not the biggest scene thing, but I think it's really cool in terms of what flexibility he can to the roster. I think he had some pretty not great decision makings in some of those moments, but still ends up having a lot of reasoning why some of the team fights and things were going their way. I think the way for me was really cool too. I think there was a lot of utility play out of Jojo this weekend that I was really appreciative of.
[01:01:35] Speaker A: I think Soup is also stepping up as well.
[01:01:37] Speaker B: I think Eloya is the goat for that team though. I'm not gonna lie.
[01:01:40] Speaker C: Yeah, he's doing a lot of work.
[01:01:42] Speaker B: He's doing a lot of work, man. That man like just lifted it up and I, I.
[01:01:48] Speaker A: We haven't even seen this team yet in Fearless draft, but I still am excited for them once they get to fearless and they get to the best of us because Merwin is such a fun character to watch in those type of situations too. Will he pull out the Lulu top? Will they pull out the Varus top? We'll have to wait and see.
[01:02:03] Speaker C: Well, can somebody pull him off k'sante and Bessa, please? Because I think that's all he's played so far.
[01:02:07] Speaker A: Yeah, that would be nice, actually. I would Give me the fun.
[01:02:09] Speaker C: Mercy 1 was three games of Kasante week to his three games of Mbeso.
[01:02:13] Speaker A: Well, okay, but when you know, you know, trust me, it's gonna get better. It's gonna get better. When you know, you know those are the teams at the top. They are all five and one right now.
Now let's talk about the teams that are more towards the middle of the pack. Up next, gx, who had kind of a rough weekend for themselves, all things considered. They were in first place going into the weekend. Weekend. But then they were not able to close out in first place because they've lost twice. They lost to Koi and G2. So Koi is now above them. G2 Technically, I think tied with them right now.
[01:02:53] Speaker C: They are one game ahead of G2.
[01:02:56] Speaker A: One game ahead of G2. There we go. Yes. G2 is, I believe tied with Vitality right now. Is that. Yeah. Yeah.
[01:03:03] Speaker C: Yes.
[01:03:03] Speaker A: Yeah, sounds right.
So, yeah, the overall looks for gx, I think that their Koi game was actually pretty close. I. I was excited about that one. That's my third game to watch for the week. Is Koi gx just because of how good the gameplay was then the team heretics. What you want to see from them. G2. This is G2 actually kind of bouncing back a little bit and in my opinion, even upsetting gx.
But you know, you can't expect no engine to be able to carry every single game. And sometimes Hansam just says Hansama things. So.
[01:03:38] Speaker B: Dude, Hansama is actually kind of goaded though.
[01:03:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. That guy's still very, very solid.
Were you. Do you have a chance to catch this one? Rmc, do you have any thoughts on GX and their week?
[01:03:50] Speaker C: I think Jackie's is being a bit undersold because everybody's like focused on Noah and June so much that I mean, that ball lane deserves rightfully a lot of love. I think Jackie's has had some pretty good games as well.
And I just think back to the. The JoJo Pian Jackie's matchup that you're talking about earlier.
[01:04:04] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:04:05] Speaker C: Watch. Yeah, Jackie's out of hands. I'd like to see Jackie be given I guess a little bit more love, a little bit more attention from closer and set in position to carry a little bit more. Because even in their game against G2, I thought Jackie's did what was actually the big potential carry. Like Noah Jun got shut down because Hansama did Hans some of things. And Jackie's smolder looked like it had a chance to carry if he actually had like a front line. Unfortunately, that game I think closer was on.
I can't remember what jungle he ran, but it was like one of the AP carries. Was it Zyra or.
[01:04:33] Speaker A: I'm not remembering either. Which. Which game was it?
[01:04:35] Speaker C: The Giant X game. I mean, it's a G2 game. Giant X versus G2 on Monday.
Yeah, if he had like a bit more of a front line, I think it would have been okay. But lot didn't run Tank Jace and they only had like a Leona then no one should got shut down. He's going to survive.
[01:04:52] Speaker A: Zyra Skiman was piling Zyra versus closer in the jungler in Italy.
[01:04:57] Speaker C: Yeah, on Italy. Okay.
[01:04:58] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:04:58] Speaker C: So got them switched up. Yeah.
[01:05:02] Speaker A: But yeah, I mean, this one was pretty much domination from G2 overall, but Jackie's on the smolder was like trying to come back. It was a weird comp around a smolder, though, because you don't have a lot of space makers for him. Yeah.
[01:05:15] Speaker C: Because he was farming up a storm too. He had the highest CS in the end of the game and.
[01:05:19] Speaker A: Yeah.
Wasn't meant to be at the end of the day. But that brings us down now to the two teams that are tied for fifth place, G2 and Vitality. G2 played Vitality, Fnatic and GX.
[01:05:34] Speaker B: And I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it back, man. I couldn't hold it back. Just that statement. The two teams tied at fifth place, G2 and Vitality. After the conversations that we had.
[01:05:47] Speaker A: Yep.
[01:05:47] Speaker B: Going into the split.
[01:05:49] Speaker A: Yep. Oh, a little surprising to say the least. Hilla saying just somehow pulls it off. You know, Both of them went 2 and 1 1, so props to them. G2 played Vitality, Fnatic and GX. They beat Vitality, lost a Fnatic, beat GX Crush, GX. And the Vitality game, that one was also kind of a crush, you know. Lebro did his best to make it look close, but Caps on Smolder went deathless. And I don't understand how games go this long consistently, but he got like 500cs on smolder just because the game went weirdly long. Long.
[01:06:30] Speaker C: Yeah.
[01:06:30] Speaker B: I don't know.
[01:06:31] Speaker C: Like, that's. That's what I'm struggling with LAC right now is how they're closing out games. And Saturday especially, I think, like, almost all the games ran like 40 minutes. Except for the KCSK one. Yeah.
[01:06:41] Speaker B: Which is wild.
[01:06:42] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:06:42] Speaker C: That. Was that the fastest game, actually. Casey versus SK. That was like 20 something minutes, right?
[01:06:47] Speaker A: I think so. Yeah.
[01:06:48] Speaker C: That sounds really brutal. Yeah. But I mean, going back to. To Vitality too, it's funny because if G2 didn't win that, they'd still be trolling behind Vitality.
[01:06:56] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:06:56] Speaker C: It's such a weird world we're in.
[01:06:58] Speaker A: It's. It's wild. But yeah. Vitality somehow managed to lose with Dragon Soul Elder.
[01:07:04] Speaker B: Yeah, we don't talk about that one.
[01:07:06] Speaker A: That's how this game went. That's. Yeah.
[01:07:10] Speaker C: They got to count too, that game there. They got everything.
[01:07:13] Speaker A: Oh, they did. You're right. This. This was another like three Baron game, which just. It didn't need to be that many Barons guys. Like, we can do this. Faster. But props to vitality for at least sticking in it for as long as they did. But caps on the late game smolder like it's so hard to actually shut that down.
So yeah, there we go.
[01:07:35] Speaker B: Still got it Cap.
[01:07:37] Speaker A: Still got it.
[01:07:37] Speaker C: Capsite. He Hilly didn't feed that much this week.
[01:07:42] Speaker A: You know, that's a good point. When you put it that way.
[01:07:44] Speaker B: I. I actually really appreciate it. And I said at the beginning I literally called it. I like when we were talking about pretty preseason rankings and stuff. Like I actually really enjoyed watching the cars. He was saying bot lane. Not only just because they played gin, but I actually really enjoyed it. So I'm really happy that that's like somewhat working well.
[01:08:06] Speaker A: I'm happy to see it as well. I'm also still happy that because of his poor week one hell saying is still leading the league in deaths at 31. But loopy is catching up baby. Loopy is at 28, so only three behind.
I don't even want to talk about SK, man. Oh my God. What a.
[01:08:24] Speaker B: What a. Yeah.
[01:08:26] Speaker A: Showing they've had.
[01:08:27] Speaker C: It's a dumpster fire down there right now. I don't know.
[01:08:30] Speaker A: They have two players with a below one KDA and two. One player that has one KDA, another that's got 1.3. They. They die a lot is. Is basically what I'm getting at. Yeah.
But we're not talking about them. We're talking about vitality here because they played up against G2SK Rogue Mazo, what are your thoughts then on Helsing right now? Do you think that he's gonna be able to clean it up for the rest of the split? Do you think that week one was an anomaly?
[01:08:58] Speaker B: I don't think it was an anomaly, but I still think even with that, I still think they have chances to win games. And we obviously saw that with the. The two one week but. Or 112 weeks. Sorry that. That would have been wild. But no, I. I definitely think they do. I. I still think like trying to find ways ways to play around their bot lane is awesome. But honestly like Mid Jungle duo Linkus and Sagic was super fun.
[01:09:27] Speaker A: Yeah.
[01:09:29] Speaker B: And also got to play Victor and you know, I guess Victor still looks pretty decent. I. I know that like some of the decision making stuff is still far behind, but with the team that's like not lauded in the top positions of lac, it's still. Still nice to see.
[01:09:44] Speaker A: Yeah. And I will give credit to Mid Lane as well. I always forget how to say the name exactly Zajik, I. We'll go with that for now.
I'm blanking on how the cash say it for some reason, but kind of the reason that they were able to beat sk because like that SK game was actually looking kind of rocky but then they were able to close it out at the end. So yeah, I think that team Vitality is gonna be still a middle of the pack team for me. Mostly because Naknaco, I'm just still not. Not fully convinced that yeah, he's gonna be able to like really compete at the top level with the. The strong top laners in LEC right now. @ least like the best top laners. And also Hill is saying sometimes flips tails, but if they fire on all cylinders, this team does look like they at least have a spark in them. They did beat SK and Rogue though, which were the bottom two teams right now. So be that as it may and because of that, we're actually going to just briefly give you the rest of the standings. BDS Team Heretics, Rogue and SK are the four teams down kind of in the. In the slumps here. There is only one win between those four teams. Yep.
[01:10:57] Speaker C: That was brutal. It only happened because team Heretics was playing team bds. So one of them had to pick up a win.
[01:11:02] Speaker A: One of them had to pick up a win. That is one of the craziest. Like I'm looking at our sheet and we have like green highlighted for wins, red highlighted for losses. And just seeing only one green, green square in that clump is just kind of crazy to me. And I've had this thought with BDS watching them. Week one too is I didn't really feel like they showed me much, so I didn't have high expectations for them. Even though they did pick up a 21 week. I think we're seeing strength of schedule is a factor in that. So with that said, let's talk about string the schedule going forward here. Reminder though that my games to watch were Fnatic vs BDS, G2 vs Fnatic and Koi vs GX. All for very different reasons. Koi GX is the best one. If you want good league wise, watch that. G2 Fanatic is El Classico and Fanatic BDS. Again, if you like to ask the question, what the is going on?
Any. Any that I miss? Any that the two of you would recommend or do you think I. I nailed it.
Sweet. Thank you. I love the validation. I need more of that.
Okay, predictions week three, we're gonna get through these fast because there's not that much differentiation between anybody here on the cast. SKB, BDS, GX, Fanatic, Rogue, G2 Team, Heretics, Koi, Vitality. KC is on Saturday and we all are in agreement on the cast. BDS wins. Fnatic wins. G2 wins. Koi wins. KC wins. Badger thinks GX can beat Fnatic, but he's not here to defend that thought. So then for Sunday, we have rogue versus SK. BDS versus GX. Fnatic versus KC. That one is gonna be fun. Team here takes versus Vitality, and G2 versus Koi. We all think Rogue takes it. We all think GX take it. Except for Mizell. You actually have BDS take it down. Gx.
That's crazy. That's crazy. Well, I. You know, I'm praying for you. I hope you. I hope they take it. Oh, also, I. I forgot to say Rogue versus sk. We all have Rogue. Badger put no one. I do want to be clear.
[01:12:59] Speaker C: Nobody wins in that game.
[01:13:00] Speaker B: Nobody.
[01:13:01] Speaker A: He thinks this is gonna be the first ever.
[01:13:02] Speaker B: It's a loss for everybody.
[01:13:04] Speaker A: Legends. Maybe there's like a. Somebody pulls the fire alarm and they have to leave. And then the riot is like, there's no point in rescheduling this. Neither of these teams is making it to playoffs. Just let them go.
Okay, But GX versus bds, and Mzell has bds. The rest of us have gx. Fnatic versus Casey. This one, I think is going to be the best game of the weekend. This is my expectation. I have Casey, Badger has Casey. Everyone else has Fanatic. I still believe in Kalist, and I still think that Vladi Kalist is just such a powerful combo combo that they are going to not steamroll Fanatic. But like, Vladi versus Humanoid is gonna be very exciting to watch because I think Bloody can actually really expose a lot of Humanoids weaknesses and leaning phase. And Callista just doesn't really show many weaknesses right now.
So that's why I have it. Rmc, Miselle, either of you have a big reason why you think FNATIC takes it?
[01:13:58] Speaker C: Yes.
[01:14:00] Speaker B: Yeah.
[01:14:01] Speaker C: One team region. That's true. Recency bias. I watched their last game and yep, Fnatic vs BDS is a game to watch for a reason.
[01:14:09] Speaker A: Recency, biased and one team region. But yeah, what if the one team region is Casey, which is a French org. Mazel. Let me sell you on Casey.
[01:14:16] Speaker B: I mean, that'd be cool. But no, I do think Fnatic are going to dominate winter.
[01:14:23] Speaker A: There's a chance. I mean, they're looking good. They're looking quite good.
Okay, cool. But that. That's the one. I'm marking my calendar. I really want to watch that one live. I'm going to be at a Yu Gi oh events, so hopefully I can catch it.
But we'll see. We'll see. Then Monday. Oh, sorry. Then the rest of this week on Saturday or Sunday, we have team heretics versus vitality. We all think vitality. G2, which is wild, by the way, think that. But Team Heretics just look that bad. G2 versus Koi. We all love Koi, except for Pickle. Actually, Pickle's the only one. Pickle will Never vote against G2. That man refuses to lose faith. I think in current form, though, Koi should take it. Then finally on Monday, Vitality vs. GX Coy vs. Rogue KCBDS G2 Heretics and SK Fanatic GX across the board. Koi across the board. Casey across the board. Except for Mizel. Bds. There we go. You want to say it?
[01:15:22] Speaker B: Viva la.
[01:15:23] Speaker A: It's against. Against.
[01:15:26] Speaker C: I don't understand.
[01:15:27] Speaker A: Okay, you know, it's fine. G2 or Steve Harris dicks. It's T2 across the board. Fanatic versus SK Fanatic across the board. Although I. I did. I do see it popped down to below the page. Mizell, do you want to go crazy and say SK wins us?
[01:15:41] Speaker B: No.
[01:15:42] Speaker A: Okay.
[01:15:43] Speaker C: BDS wins.
[01:15:44] Speaker A: BDS wins sk.
That's a bold prediction. I'll put it in for you.
All right, cool. Well, that is it for the LEC Week 2 review and Week 3 preview, which means that we have come to the close of this week's episode rmc. If anybody at home has a number of fingers on their hand and that could correlate to a number of stars, they could give the podcast. What do you think the average number of fingers would be?
[01:16:14] Speaker C: 6.
[01:16:15] Speaker A: That is incorrect, but for many reasons. First off, the average is not even five, which is the joke I was setting you up for, because there are people that have less than five fingers, so the average is going to be lower.
But I guess. I guess if you can't give six stars, we'll take it. You know, actually, that's not too bad now that you say it like that.
[01:16:35] Speaker B: True.
[01:16:35] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. It really helps us get noticed. It really helps the podcast pop off. So thank you for everybody. That does leave reviews. Remind you can join the community Discord in the link in the description wherever you are listening to the podcast as well support through the Patreon or through our merch shop. But most importantly, if you can take one message away from this episode is that we love you and we'll see you next time.
[01:16:58] Speaker B: Bye.
[01:16:59] Speaker A: Bye.
[01:17:00] Speaker C: Bye.
[01:17:01] Speaker A: Oh, yes, Daddy.